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Found 4 results

  1. In phaser 2, I applied to an image two filters to make a blurred image (Blur X and Blur Y, with the two of them a complete Blur). I wanted to use the same filter system to apply this two shaders, but I don't find the filter class anywhere. But I found the Pipeline system, so I combined both blurs and made this complete blur shader. Everything fine now. My questions are... There is some way to apply two pipelines in one image/sprite? and, There is an alternative for filters in phaser 3?
  2. Hi, i want to do something like this in phaser : I've been learning webGL because i think it must be done with webGL, but if someone can tell me how i can do this effect in phaser3 it can be cool ^^.
  3. Is my setup of LUT texture inside defaultRenderingPipeline wrong? https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#23YL1J#2 (play with boolean line 12) I don't understand why I haven't the same render than the LUT post process. Bug or PEBKAC?
  4. I am trying to create a fragment shader via a PIXI.AbstractFilter to create a wave rippling effect to be applied to a background texture. I have already worked out the algorithm for the wave effect in JavaScript. What I am having difficulty doing is getting the data I need into the shader through PIXI. For my effect to work, I need to have a large Float32Array to keep track of wave heights and a texture containing the original, unaltered contents of the background image to read from in order to apply the effect of pixel displacement (light refraction). I've been doing a lot of searching and have come up with some partial solutions. I attempt to load my large Float32Array into the shader as a texture with type GL.FLOAT (with the OES_texture_float extension) and an internal format of GL.LUMINANCE and read from it. From what I can tell, my shader isn't receiving my data the way I need it to. Just as a test, I set gl_FragColor to read from my data texture, and instead of the solid black that should have appeared, it rendered a color from either the source texture or the texture of the sprite that the filter is applied to.If I weren't using PIXI, what I would try next is to use gl.getUniformLocation, but it takes the current program as its first parameter, and I don't know of a way to access that. The basic flow of my shader needs to go: Read From Array -> Calculate displacement based on value -> Render the current fragment as the color at x+displacement, y+displacement -> Get updated version of array This is my code in the constructor for my shader: ws.Shader = function(tex) { // GLSL Fragment Shader for Wave Rendering ws.gl = game.renderer.gl; ws.flExt = ws.gl.getExtension("OES_texture_float"); var unis = { dataTex: { type: "sampler2D", value: ws.gl.TEXTURE1 }, canvasTex: { type: "sampler2D", value: ws.gl.TEXTURE2 }, mapSize: { type: "2f", value: [ws.width+2,ws.height+2] }, dispFactor: { type: "1f", value: 20.0 }, lumFactor: { type: "1f", value: 0.35 } }; var fragSrc = [ "precision mediump float;", "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying vec4 vColor;", "uniform sampler2D uSampler;", "uniform sampler2D dataTex;", "uniform sampler2D canvasTex;", "uniform vec2 mapSize;", "uniform float dispFactor;", "uniform float lumFactor;", "void main(void) {", "vec2 imgSize = vec2(mapSize.x-2.0,mapSize.y-2.0);", "vec2 mapCoord = vec2((vTextureCoord.x*imgSize.x)+1.5,(vTextureCoord.y*imgSize.y)+1.5);", "float wave = texture2D(dataTex, mapCoord).r;", "float displace = wave*dispFactor;", "if (displace < 0.0) {", "displace = displace+1.0;", "}", "vec2 srcCoord = vec2((vTextureCoord.x*imgSize.x)+displace,(vTextureCoord.y*imgSize.y)+displace);", "if (srcCoord.x < 0.0) {", "srcCoord.x = 0.0;", "}", "else if (srcCoord.x > mapSize.x-2.0) {", "srcCoord.x = mapSize.x-2.0;", "}", "if (srcCoord.y < 0.0) {", "srcCoord.y = 0.0;", "}", "else if (srcCoord.y > mapSize.y-2.0) {", "srcCoord.y = mapSize.y-2.0;", "}", /*"srcCoord.x = srcCoord.x/imgSize.x;", "srcCoord.y = srcCoord.y/imgSize.y;",*/ "float lum = wave*lumFactor;", "if (lum > 40.0) { lum = 40.0; }", "else if (lum < -40.0) { lum = -40.0; }", "gl_FragColor = texture2D(canvasTex, vec2(0.0,0.0));", "gl_FragColor.r = gl_FragColor.r + lum;", "gl_FragColor.g = gl_FragColor.g + lum;", "gl_FragColor.b = gl_FragColor.b + lum;", "}"]; ws.shader = new PIXI.AbstractFilter(fragSrc, unis); // Send empty wave map to WebGL ws.activeWaveMap = new Float32Array((ws.width+2)*(ws.height+2)); ws.dataPointerGL = ws.gl.createTexture(); ws.gl.activeTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE1); ws.gl.bindTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.dataPointerGL); // Non-Power-of-Two Texture Dimensions ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ws.gl.NEAREST); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texImage2D(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ws.gl.LUMINANCE, ws.width+2,ws.height+2,0, ws.gl.LUMINANCE, ws.gl.FLOAT, ws.activeWaveMap); // Send texture data from canvas to WebGL var canvasTex = ws.gl.createTexture(); ws.gl.activeTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE2); ws.gl.bindTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, canvasTex); // Non-Power-of-Two Texture Dimensions ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ws.gl.NEAREST); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texImage2D(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ws.gl.RGBA, ws.gl.RGBA, ws.gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex.imageData); } I then attempt to update dataTex in the ws object's update loop: ws.activeWaveMap.set(ws.outgoingWaveMap); // WebGL Update ws.gl.activeTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE1); ws.gl.bindTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.dataPointerGL); /* // Non-Power-of-Two Texture Dimensions ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ws.gl.NEAREST); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);*/ ws.gl.texImage2D(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ws.gl.LUMINANCE, ws.width+2,ws.height+2,0, ws.gl.LUMINANCE, ws.gl.FLOAT, ws.activeWaveMap); I'm sure that plenty of this isn't right, but I believe that I can sort things out once I can get to the point where I can actually access my data. Can anyone point me in the right direction? This is central enough to my project that I am willing to discard PIXI altogether if there isn't a way to implement what I am trying to do. Also, I am using PIXI via Phaser, if that makes a difference. Thanks!
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