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Found 2 results

  1. Hello everyone, my name is gedion101, I'm new in this forum and new using Phaser.js and quite a little long time in react-native framework, which is javascript framework for mobile development, you can see in this website (https://facebook.github.io/react-native/), or you can see the documentation if you curious (https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html). Back to the topic, I have a wonder how to integrate the phaser.js module, for a react-native environment. So basically using npm way, and using <script> tag in HTML5 document, if I'm development target to the web, but different in react-native and you can't use <script> tag, because of a different rule. I found the alternative module, that call react-native-game-engine, is good, with matter.js as physics system in that game, but I have a problem, the game so lag, and to much render, for each asset to display on the phone. And another one, which is an ion-phaser, but I tried it and have a problem with that module, and the other is expo-phaser, is good, but in my workspace advice to me, don't use expo, find another way. so I give up, maybe in this forum, it will help me, to figure out this problem or some advices, to give which framework or tools for using phaser for mobile game development. for the code : app.js // import react module import React from 'react'; // import component from react-native module import { View } from 'react-native'; // import phaser module import Phaser from 'phaser'; // import scene for game import Scene1 from './src/exampleScene1'; // eslint-disable-next-line react/prefer-stateless-function class App extends React.Component { state = { config: { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { gravity: { y: 200 }, }, }, scene: [Scene1], }, } callTheGame = () => { const { config } = this.state; const game = new Phaser.Game(config); return game; } render() { return ( <View>{this.callTheGame()}</View> ); } } export default App; exampleScene1.js : // import phaser module import Phaser from 'phaser'; // import asset image import Gimo from './assets/gimo.png'; // create class for scene 1 class exampleScene1 extends Phaser.Scene { // build constructor constructor() { // create identifier for class scene super({ key: 'exampleScene1' }); } preload() { this.load.image('GimoAsset', Gimo); } create() { this.add.image(400, 300, 'GimoAsset'); } } export default exampleScene1;
  2. down votefavorite I have previous experience with Unity, but I don't like the fact that Unity compiles your game directly into APK (or IOS equivalent). It's because I want to modify the game to provide chat interface (and some other stuff) for multiplayer mode etc. So, I thot of doing it the other way - 'create an app and embed a multiplayer game within it'. Now, again this approach meant that I had to develop for android and ios seperately. But, then I came across React-Native library (mobile extension of popular React framework). Now, I have decided to create an app using React-Native (cross-platform), but now I am confused as to which game engine should I use and I think since React-Native is javascript, game engine needs to be in javascript for seamless integration. I am planning to use to embed the game in my react-native app. Can anyone suggest me any good javascript game engines that can be used along with react-native? I have done some research on Phaser and Pixi but they use WebGL for rendering and I read somewhere that doesn't have great support for WébGL or Canvas(Am I wrong?). Any help is highly appreciated
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