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Found 4 results

  1. Hello everyone, firstly I am new to Phaser, but I would really like to create a typing/educational game ! (like moon-type : http://www.wordgames.com/moon-type-2.html) I have already created a background and a caracter (the simplest stuff), but I have no idea how to create moving text blocks containing a dictionnary (although I have a .txt file with a list of all existing words), progressive difficulty and a scoring system.. I know, I'm asking a lot, but i really need help, I'm more on the actual look of the game. Please help me ! Thank you in advance.
  2. Hello ! As I'm currently playing with some unsigned integer textures, I would love to see BabylonJS support them. I'll do a PR as soon as possible, adding some (all ?) constants about internal formats (for instance Engine.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA_INTEGER) and texture types (for instance Engine.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT), and updating the function to retrieve the internal sized format in order to be able to return new values as gl.RGBA16UI. Does it seem ok for you ? Moreover, we're still using Engine.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT to refer to both gl.UNSIGNED_INT (only available for depth textures in WebGL 1) and gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE texture types. I think we need to do a breaking change because gl.UNSIGNED_INT is now a valid texture type for unsigned integer textures in WebGL2 like RGBA32UI textures. Valid combinations of internal format, type and internal size format are listed here in table 3.2. Color-renderable and texture-filterable formats are listed here in table 3.13. This info is also gathered here. And this is a bit less exhaustive in WebGL 2 Specs. [EDIT] With WebGL2, specify the internal sized format will be necessary as some combinations of format and type don't lead to a unique internal sized format. For this purpose, we'll need to add internal sized formats as constants in BABYLON.Engine and we won't lean on _getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat() function anymore. However, only a few combinations fail to give a unique result: - RGBA format + UNSIGNED_BYTE type - RGBA format + UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV type - RGBA format + FLOAT type - RGB format + UNSIGNED_BYTE type - RGB format + HALF_FLOAT type - RGB format + FLOAT type - RG format + FLOAT type - RED format + FLOAT type So we could just ignore them and return a default value in these cases, for now. [EDIT 2] Current type constants: private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT = 0; private static _TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT = 1; private static _TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT = 2; Suggested new type constants: private static _TEXTURETYPE_BYTE = 0; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE = 1; private static _TEXTURETYPE_SHORT = 2; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT = 3; private static _TEXTURETYPE_INT = 4; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT = 5; private static _TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT = 6; private static _TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT = 7; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 = 8; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 = 9; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 = 10; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV = 11; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 = 12; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV = 13; private static _TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV = 14; private static _TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV = 15; NOTE 1: As every user should use the public constants and not directly the private numbers the constants are bound to, we should be allowed to modify the order (FLOAT will be defined by 6 instead of 1 for instance). If you do not want to change the order of the three first constants already defined, just say it. NOTE 2: UNSIGNED_INT will not refer to UNSIGNED_BYTE anymore. Breaking change. [EDIT 3] Current format constants: private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_ALPHA = 0; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_LUMINANCE = 1; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 2; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB = 4; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA = 5; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_R = 6; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RG = 7; NOTE 1: No 3 ? Did I miss something ? NOTE 2 : I personally guess TEXTUREFORMAT_R is not a good idea for 3 reasons: - It's confusing for people already used to WebGL who know it's gl.RED and not gl.R - It doesn't seem really instructive for beginners who will think R is the good naming - Beginners generally don't play with texture formats and types That's why I suggest to create and use TEXTUREFORMAT_RED in the future. And keep TEXTUREFORMAT_R for retrocompatibility. But once again, it's only a suggestion. Suggested new format constants: private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_ALPHA = 0; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_LUMINANCE = 1; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 2; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RED = 3; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_R = 3; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RG = 4; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB = 5; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA = 6; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RED_INTEGER = 7; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_R_INTEGER = 7; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RG_INTEGER = 8; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB_INTEGER = 9; private static _TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA_INTEGER = 10; NOTE 1: Once again, we should be allowed to change the order of the first constants as nobody should use the private numbers directly.
  3. Hello guys, I just recently started to play with Phaser and so far I'm loving it.. However as I'm not used to it, I run into wall.. I'm creating a breakout game where I want different bricks to respond to ball hitting them differently.. Mostly I want to add bricks a health so to speak, so depending on the color of the brick, it will take 1,2,3.. etc ball hits to kill it.. I'm so far doing this in this fashion: // Red bricks bricks_1 = game.add.group(); bricks_1.enableBody = true; bricks_1.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; // Yellow bricks bricks_2 = game.add.group(); bricks_2.enableBody = true; bricks_2.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; // Gray bricks bricks_3 = game.add.group(); bricks_3.enableBody = true; bricks_3.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; // Green bricks bricks_4 = game.add.group(); bricks_4.enableBody = true; bricks_4.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE;So, I'm creating a group for each of the type of the possible bricks.. Then as I randomly create a level, I do this: function randomLevel(){ var brick; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++) { var rand = game.rnd.integerInRange(1, 4); switch(rand) { case 1: brick = bricks_1.create(75 + (i*80), 55 + (j*40), 'brick_1'); brick.body.bounce.set(1); brick.body.immovable = true; break; case 2: brick = bricks_2.create(75 + (i*80), 55 + (j*40), 'brick_2'); brick.body.bounce.set(1); brick.body.immovable = true; break; case 3: brick = bricks_3.create(75 + (i*80), 55 + (j*40), 'brick_3'); brick.body.bounce.set(1); brick.body.immovable = true; break; case 4: brick = bricks_4.create(75 + (i*80), 55 + (j*40), 'brick_4'); brick.body.bounce.set(1); brick.body.immovable = true; break; } } }}And then I have 4 onHit functions (which I don't really like, would prefer a single one with some switch statement in there) where depending on what type of brick has been hit, it can play ie different sound for example.. game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, bricks_1, ballHitBrick_1, null, this); game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, bricks_2, ballHitBrick_2, null, this); game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, bricks_3, ballHitBrick_3, null, this); game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, bricks_4, ballHitBrick_4, null, this);This is example of one of the onHit functions (I basically used example of breakout a lot): function ballHitBrick_1(_ball, _brick) { _brick.kill(); hit_fx.play(); score += 10; scoreText.text = 'Score: ' + score; // Are they any bricks left? if (bricks_1.countLiving() == 0 && bricks_2.countLiving() == 0 && bricks_4.countLiving() == 0) { // New level starts scoreText.text = 'Score: ' + score; introText.text = '- Next Level -'; // Let's move the ball back to the paddle ballOnPaddle = true; ball.body.velocity.set(0); ball.x = paddle.x + 16; ball.y = paddle.y - 16; ball.animations.stop(); // And bring the bricks back from the dead randomLevel(); }}And this all works well, ie I can play different sounds based on what brick has been hit.. However what do I need to do to add health to these bricks? So for example, bricks_1 bricks die only after 1 shot, while bricks_3 don't die ever (think of like concrete/metal/blocking bricks).. Thanks a ton!
  4. Hi all, Another weirdo cross-browser problem I am desperate to fix. A tester running Safari 6.03 (not the most current, but not ancient either), keeps having the game freeze with a strange error: "TypeError: type error" -- it traces back to phaser.min.js line 11 but I'm unable to see what in my code is causing the issue. Is this a known thing? Any advice at all would be appreciated - You guys are the best! Nick
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