Viktoria Posted June 11, 2018 Share Posted June 11, 2018 I have implemented tilemap from json file made in Tiled. It works fine. All platforms are shown. But then one issue occurs: when player jumps on a platform it collides with it(ok), but then he cannot jump upwards. preload(){ this.load.json('level','src/scenes/levels.json'); this.load.image('ground','src/assets/plattformBigLevel2.png'); this.load.image('background','src/assets/backgroundLevel2_4000.png'); this.load.image('platform','src/assets/platformSmallLevel2.png'); this.load.tilemapTiledJSON('map', 'src/assets/tiled/Level2.json'); this.load.spritesheet('player','src/assets/bug.png',{ frameWidth: 55, frameHeight: 56 }); } create(){ //background this.image = this.add.image(2000,600,'background'); //create a big platform this.platforms = this.physics.add.staticGroup(); this.platforms.create(2000, 568,'ground'); //create platforms = this.make.tilemap({ key: 'map' }); this.tiles ='platformSmallLevel2', 'platform'); this.layer =, this.tiles, 0, 0); this.layer.setCollisionByProperty({ collide: true }); let player_config = { x: this.levelData.playerStart.x, y: this.levelData.playerStart.y, name: this.player_type, lives: this.player_lives, cursors: this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys() } this.player = new Player(this, player_config); this.player.setCollideWorldBounds(true); this.physics.add.collider( this.player,this.platforms); this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.layer); } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viktoria Posted June 13, 2018 Author Share Posted June 13, 2018 I have resolved the issue. The problem was that while jumping on a platform imported from json, the collision worked and the player could jump on the platform. But then it doesnt recognised the platform as the floor and the property sprite.body.touching.down was set to false. I just added the function to the collision between player and platforms in wich I specified that sprite.body.touching.down should be equal to true. And it worked then???? function collidePlatforms(player,layer){ this.player.body.touching.down = true; } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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