In Arcade physics, if you move towards the other object - after the collision this object moves, so it's like you are pushing it. How to prevent pushing completely? I wish player stops after the collision completely
(in collision direction only, X axis for example) and the other object does not move at all. (Player should be able to move in other directions of course).
I've tried to manipulate "moves", "immovable", "isMoving", "blocked", "touching" params of both bod
Simple modified version of labs example:
var config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
parent: 'phaser-example',
backgroundColor: '#0072bc',
physics: {
default: 'arcade',
arcade: {
debug: true
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update
var cursors;
var player;
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
function preload ()
this.load.image('block', 'assets/sprites/block.png');