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  1. Hipe


    Hi, Please Help m, I am new in Phaser and I love it!!, can you tell me what is wrong in my code, I don't know why the coalition is right in the ground, but not when I want this with (avion and bullet): my Code: GameState.prototype.preload = function() { this.game.load.image('bullet', '/assets/gfx/bullet.png'); this.game.load.image('plane', '/assets/gfx/B17.png'); this.game.load.image('ground', '/assets/gfx/ground.png'); this.game.load.spritesheet('explosion', '/assets/gfx/explosion.png', 128, 128); }; // Setup the example GameState.prototype.create = function() { //======= fast var avion = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY, 'plane'); //this.avion = game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY, 'plane'); avion.inputEnabled = true; avion.input.enableDrag(true); //this.game.physics.arcade.enable([avion]); this.game.physics.enable(avion, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); avion.body.gravity.y = -35; //======= // Set stage background color this.game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x4488cc; // Define constants this.SHOT_DELAY = 300; // milliseconds (10 bullets/3 seconds) this.BULLET_SPEED = 800; // pixels/second this.NUMBER_OF_BULLETS = 20; this.GRAVITY = 30; // pixels/second/second // Create an object representing our gun this.gun = this.game.add.sprite(50, this.game.height - 64, 'bullet'); // Set the pivot point to the center of the gun this.gun.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); // Create an object pool of bullets this.bulletPool = this.game.add.group(); for(var i = 0; i < this.NUMBER_OF_BULLETS; i++) { // Create each bullet and add it to the group. var bullet = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'bullet'); this.bulletPool.add(bullet); // Set its pivot point to the center of the bullet bullet.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); // Enable physics on the bullet this.game.physics.enable(bullet, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); // Set its initial state to "dead". bullet.kill(); } // Turn on gravity game.physics.arcade.gravity.y = this.GRAVITY; // Create some ground this.ground = this.game.add.group(); for(var x = 0; x < this.game.width; x += 32) { // Add the ground blocks, enable physics on each, make them immovable var groundBlock = this.game.add.sprite(x, this.game.height - 32, 'ground'); this.game.physics.enable(groundBlock, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); groundBlock.body.immovable = true; groundBlock.body.allowGravity = false; this.ground.add(groundBlock); } // Create a group for explosions this.explosionGroup = this.game.add.group(); // Simulate a pointer click/tap input at the center of the stage // when the example begins running. this.game.input.activePointer.x = this.game.width/2; this.game.input.activePointer.y = this.game.height/2 - 100; }; GameState.prototype.shootBullet = function() { // Enforce a short delay between shots by recording // the time that each bullet is shot and testing if // the amount of time since the last shot is more than // the required delay. if (this.lastBulletShotAt === undefined) this.lastBulletShotAt = 0; if (this.game.time.now - this.lastBulletShotAt < this.SHOT_DELAY) return; this.lastBulletShotAt = this.game.time.now; // Get a dead bullet from the pool var bullet = this.bulletPool.getFirstDead(); // If there aren't any bullets available then don't shoot if (bullet === null || bullet === undefined) return; // Revive the bullet // This makes the bullet "alive" bullet.revive(); // Bullets should kill themselves when they leave the world. // Phaser takes care of this for me by setting this flag // but you can do it yourself by killing the bullet if // its x,y coordinates are outside of the world. bullet.checkWorldBounds = true; bullet.outOfBoundsKill = true; // Set the bullet position to the gun position. bullet.reset(this.gun.x, this.gun.y); bullet.rotation = this.gun.rotation; // Shoot it in the right direction bullet.body.velocity.x = Math.cos(bullet.rotation) * this.BULLET_SPEED; bullet.body.velocity.y = Math.sin(bullet.rotation) * this.BULLET_SPEED; }; // The update() method is called every frame GameState.prototype.update = function() { //===== this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.bulletPool, this.ground, function(bullet, ground) { // Create an explosion this.getExplosion(bullet.x, bullet.y); // Kill the bullet bullet.kill(); }, null, this); //===== // Check if bullets have collided with the ground this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.bulletPool, this.ground, function(bullet, ground) { // Create an explosion this.getExplosion(bullet.x, bullet.y); // Kill the bullet bullet.kill(); }, null, this); // Rotate all living bullets to match their trajectory this.bulletPool.forEachAlive(function(bullet) { bullet.rotation = Math.atan2(bullet.body.velocity.y, bullet.body.velocity.x); }, this); // Aim the gun at the pointer. // All this function does is calculate the angle using // Math.atan2(yPointer-yGun, xPointer-xGun) this.gun.rotation = this.game.physics.arcade.angleToPointer(this.gun); // Shoot a bullet if (this.game.input.activePointer.isDown) { this.shootBullet(); } }; // Try to get a used explosion from the explosionGroup. // If an explosion isn't available, create a new one and add it to the group. // Setup new explosions so that they animate and kill themselves when the // animation is complete. GameState.prototype.getExplosion = function(x, y) { // Get the first dead explosion from the explosionGroup var explosion = this.explosionGroup.getFirstDead(); // If there aren't any available, create a new one if (explosion === null) { explosion = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'explosion'); explosion.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); // Add an animation for the explosion that kills the sprite when the // animation is complete var animation = explosion.animations.add('boom', [0,1,2,3], 60, false); animation.killOnComplete = true; // Add the explosion sprite to the group this.explosionGroup.add(explosion); } // Revive the explosion (set it's alive property to true) // You can also define a onRevived event handler in your explosion objects // to do stuff when they are revived. explosion.revive(); // Move the explosion to the given coordinates explosion.x = x; explosion.y = y; // Set rotation of the explosion at random for a little variety explosion.angle = this.game.rnd.integerInRange(0, 360); // Play the animation explosion.animations.play('boom'); // Return the explosion itself in case we want to do anything else with it return explosion; }; function onDragStart(sprite, pointer) { this.shootBullet(); } var game = new Phaser.Game(250, 300, Phaser.AUTO, 'game'); game.state.add('game', GameState, true);
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