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  1. Hi, my goal is to have a canvas that spans 80% of the users browser and keeps aspect ratio of 16:9. I was trying different approaches throughout today, failing to reach the goal, but here's the idea I came up with that works on paper and in my head, but not in practice. Can anyone see where's the problem in my line of thinking? Conceptually: I pretend I have 1280x720 available and use it to position whatever I want on the canvas, using the 1280x720 coordinates system. Then I find out what screen size I have available and compute following values using following formulas: newWidth = window.innerWidth * 0.8 newHeight = newWidth * (16/9) scaleFactor = newWidth / lastWidth (when this is first called, lastWidth is 1280) In the test environment, I have larger screen than this, so I start with scaleFactor=1.2 and I have two sprite circles, for which I update both coords by sprite.x = sprite.x*scaleFactor equation. For moving the sprites at corresponding scale, this seem to work correctly. Similarly, I thought that doing sprite.set.scale(scaleFactor) or sprite.set.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor), will do the job correctly and performed following test: 1. Have it loaded for the first time in big window, with values being properly scaled (success?) 2. Have it loaded in a smaller window by clicking "Restore down" on window control, which scales things down by three times, scale factor 0.3, everything seems legit. 3. Have it loaded back in the big window as in (1), scale factor = 3 (scaling 300% up, as it scaled to 30% before), which works for coordinates, but scale is off (its way bigger, I will attach screens to demonstrate this). Why is 3 happening? // Hopefully minimum viable example of what is going on in my code, with unnecessary/irrelevant parts removed const targetAspectRatio = 16 / 9; const canvasWidthPercentage = 80; const baseWidth = 1280; const baseHeight = 720; let scaleFactor = 1.; const initialWidth = window.innerWidth * (canvasWidthPercentage / 100); const initialHeight = initialWidth / targetAspectRatio; // Keeping track of previous dimensions let lastWidth = baseWidth; let lastHeight = baseHeight; const app = new PIXI.Application({ width: baseWidth, height: baseHeight, resolution: window.devicePixelRatio || 1, }); document.body.appendChild(app.view); /* Here I spawn circles -> redacted from this sample, but attached below */ function resizeHandler() { const newWidth = window.innerWidth * (canvasWidthPercentage / 100); const newHeight = newWidth / targetAspectRatio; scaleFactor = newWidth / lastWidth; // scaleWidth == scaleHeight, due to aspect ratio lock I believe console.table({/* Debug you see in attachments */}) // Update the renderer size app.renderer.resize(newWidth, newHeight); displayedSprites.forEach((sprite) => { sprite.scale.set(scaleFactor) sprite.x = sprite.x * scaleFactor; sprite.y = sprite.y * scaleFactor; console.log("On window resize moved sprite to [x,y]=["+sprite.x+","+sprite.y+"]") }); lastWidth = newWidth; lastHeight = newHeight; } window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler); resizeHandler(); Wasn't sure it is relevant, but here's how I spawn those circles: const spawnCircle = (x, y) => { let graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000); graphics.drawCircle(50, 50, 50); // center coords (x,y) and radius graphics.endFill(); const texture = app.renderer.generateTexture(graphics); const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture); sprite.x = x * scaleFactor; sprite.y = y * scaleFactor; console.log("Spawning a circle at [x,y]=["+sprite.x+","+sprite.y+"]") app.stage.addChild(sprite); displayedSprites.push(sprite); } spawnCircle(150, 100); spawnCircle(150, 300);
  2. Hi all of you!, Could anybody give me the solution while loading audio in safari browser issue as following. these are the audio files in local drive GET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/bgsound 404 (Not Found) startSoundGET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/startSound 404 (Not Found) normalGET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/normal 404 (Not Found) perfect1GET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/perfect1 404 (Not Found) shrinkGET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/shrink 404 (Not Found) perfect2GET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/perfect2 404 (Not Found) perfect3GET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/perfect3 404 (Not Found) perfect4GET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/perfect4 404 (Not Found) perfect5GET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/perfect5 404 (Not Found) perfect6GET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/perfect6 404 (Not Found) failureGET http://localhost/Projects/stacks/failure 404 (Not Found) pixi.min.js:14Pixi.js 4.0.1 - Canvas - http://www.pixijs.com/ pixi.audio.js:1TypeError: 'undefined' is not a constructor (evaluating 'new window.Audio') Regards, Awadh
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