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Not sure if this is right question for this forum. It is more an engineering question than Phaser related, but anyway.


How big has to be your javascript state files to be worried about the overall success of your project?


When should I start developing regression tests, with Jasmine.js?


How can I do QA for my game, tools, techniques, methods?


My GameScreen.js state become 500 lines of code :) 

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I guess it depends from dev to dev, sometimes my core.js (the main file) goes over 1000 lines but almost half of them are comments and function declarations or function comments.


I find that the best way to QA is give it to a person that has no idea about the game and say: "Please Play" this way you will discover many things that confuse or annoy the end-user.


Most of the times I create a demo-version of the game with only 1-2 levels and give it to people to try it out.


You can also post your game here: http://www.html5gamedevs.com/forum/8-game-showcase/ so that people get to look at it and provide feedback.

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