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pixelPerfectOver causing 'cross-origin'


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Hey Phaser's,

I'm having a problem were I am setting up input events on a sprite and if I turn on pixelPerfectOver then I get a nasty crash when I touch the sprite:

"Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to execute 'getImageData' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data."

This does not happen with loading assets, so its not a loading issue which all web search results of this error indicate. My access is given in htaccess file. There is no problem if I turn pixelPerfectOver off. The pixelPerfectOver setting is the source of this issue. The following example is modified from my source to cut out the unrelated fat.

function PurchaseView() {
    this.purchaseCmp_group = game.add.group();

    var i, iTot,
        bPosX = [35, 265, 35, 265],
        bPosY = [75, 75, 305, 305],

    iTot = bPosX.length;
    for (i=0;i<iTot;i++) {
        cBtn = game.add.sprite(bPosX, bPosY, 'BuyCards', 'BuyCard'+(i+1)+'.png', this.purchaseCmp_group);
        cBtn.inputEnabled = true;
        cBtn.input.pixelPerfectOver = true;  // <-- commenting out this line will remove the error
        cBtn.input.useHandCursor = true;

        cBtn.events.onInputUp.add(this.btnUp, this);

PurchaseView.prototype.btnUp = function(sprite, pointer, isOver) {
    if (isOver) {
        console.log('Correctly Touched');

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Well, the error is pretty clear.

The image is tainted and you don't have the permission to access the image data.

You need to fix the serverside CORS headers when serving the image e.g. Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

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So I can load and display the image but i don't have permission to pixelPerfectOver it? Please explain.


Also please read the question as I stated that  Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" was already set

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Resolve the issue by adding :

this.load.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous';

To the create: function() {} of my first state. "Boot.js" as per the Phaser Game Template for anyone using that.

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The server I was using was a local Vagrent - VM - Ubuntu running apache, However the issue was resolved, it's actually buried in the phaser.js plugin in the comments about the issue and the resolution steps. Just posting the resolution for ease of future devs

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