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Falling Objects


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Hello, i'm working on a simple game that include falling objects like bricks, the thing that is confusing me is what should i consider the bricks! spritesheet or Platform group?? and whats the best function should i use for automatic fall down bricks ? Thank you!

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Whether you want to use a spritesheet depends on your needs. If you have just a single image you don't need to. If you have multiple variations or an animated texture then it is a good choice.

As for the bricks falling down, you can just apply gravity to the object with arcade physics:

create: function () {
   //Enable arcade physics
   //Spawn brick
   brick = this.add.sprite(100, 100, 'bricksprite');
   //Set gravity
   brick.body.gravity.y = 50;

More info here: http://phaser.io/examples/v2/arcade-physics/gravity

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function create(){
	 // now the rocks
	 rocks = game.add.group();
     rocks.enableBody = true;
function update(){
	game.physics.arcade.collide(player, platforms);
    game.physics.arcade.collide(rocks, platforms);
	game.physics.arcade.collide(player, rocks);
    game.physics.arcade.collide(rocks, rocks);
    if (j === update_interval)
    {	fallingrocks(1);
        update_interval = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) * 60; // 0 - 20sec @ 60fps
        j = 0;
function fallingrocks(i){
	 if (i==1){
	  rock = rocks.create(Math.floor(Math.random() * 45), 0, 'rock1');
     rock.body.gravity.y = 200;
	 rock.body.bounce.y = 0.4;} else if (i==2)
		 {	  rock = rocks.create(Math.floor(Math.random() * 45), 0, 'rock2');
			rock.body.gravity.y = 150;
			rock.body.bounce.y = 0.3;} else if (i==3)
				{	 rock = rocks.create(Math.floor(Math.random() * 45), 0, 'rock3');
					rock.body.gravity.y = 100;
					rock.body.bounce.y = 0.2;}else 
					{	  rock = rocks.create(Math.floor(Math.random() * 45), 0, 'rock4');
						rock.body.gravity.y = 50;
						rock.body.bounce.y = 0.1;
					rock.body.immovable = true;
					rock.body.collideWorldBounds = true;

Actualy i used Group! but the collision between the rocks and the Platform and between the rocks and each other! thats the code!

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