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Multiple spritesheets


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I have a spritesheet which has different sizes for each sprite(like this one for example, as you can see they are differences in the size of each frame ). Let´s assume I have a spritesheet called "running" and one called "jumping", the first one is 50x50 and the second one is 50x70.

Since they have different sizes, I added them separately into the game. Both animations work fine. The problem I have now is, that I see every spritesheet all the time, since I have to add them into the game, meaning all the animations/different spritesheets are overlapping.


1. Is there a better way to solve the Problem of different sized spritesheets?

2. What would be a good solution to my problem?


Thank you and have a nice weekend :)

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Just hide the sprite that's not in use and show the one that is:  jumping.visible = false; running.visible = true;  And if the different animations have different widths, use the anchor property to align them, eg to align them centrally: jumping.anchor = new Phaser.Point(0.5, 0.5);

Also, it's probably a good idea to add each sprite to the same Phaser.Group.  That way you can just move and rotate the whole group rather than each individual sprite.

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