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Has something changed with mesh merging?


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I recently updated my Babylon files to the latest nightlies. Since doing that, where my scene used to contain a few hundred meshes called "foo", it now contains several hundred more meshes called "foo_merged".

From grepping the source, it seems that these must be coming from BABYLON.Mesh.MergeMeshes, but as near as I can tell that should only get called by functions related to SceneOptimizer stuff, which I've never looked at and am not (consciously) using.

Has something changed (in the last few months) whereby the scene optimizer or some kind of mesh merging might be getting done automatically?


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1 hour ago, Deltakosh said:

Is it an problem for you? You can still provide your own mesh container if you want

I think you misunderstood my post. I don't know where these meshes came from, or whether they're containers, or what they're for. All I did was update BJS, and my scene had a few hundred new meshes with names like "xyz_merged". I'm asking: is this happening on purpose? If so, what's going on?

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2 hours ago, Deltakosh said:

It is on purpose :) If you want to mergeMEshes and do not provide a container then we will create it for you


Are you using MergeMeshes? Or perhaps the SceneOptimizer?

Okay, third try :) 

 I have never heard of MergeMeshes or SceneOptimizer. I don't know what they do.

I guess, based on the "foo_merged" meshes, that MergeMeshes is getting called in my scene, but I'm not calling it. So I'm asking, was there a recent change in BJS that would call this automatically, and if so, what sort of change was it?


Any further info would be great - a link to past discussion, or whatever. Thanks!

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Update: I found where one of my dependencies is calling MergeMeshes :)

So the question is, can anyone give me a hint what (if anything) has changed with MergeMeshes? (so I can figure out if my dependency needs to be updated)


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