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Physics on a convex mesh?


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Hi guys,

Any ideas on how to make or simulate a "convex physicsImpostor".. Imagine a funnel, or an upside down cone, and a sphere dropped into it. Could this be done with Babylon and its physics? Could I go with the meshImpostor on a cone shaped mesh, or with arrays of connected meshes to form a cone..? I just dont have the idea what would be the best approach.. thnx

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we don't currently support a convex impostor. It is, however, supported in cannon (http://schteppe.github.io/cannon.js/docs/classes/ConvexPolyhedron.html) , so it can be integrated manually, if you write the code to analyze it correctly. If you want it fully integrated in Babylon we can discuss what would be the best way to do that. This will require changing the cannon plugin to also support the convex impostor.

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Ok, these are inputs that can focus me, jerome, I wasnt even aware of Facet feature, and going thru some examples, it may come as fine solution with right setup, and clever juggling with its usage..RaananW, yes that would be the definite solution, so moment I fool the client with this temporary mockup, :) Il try to plugin Polyhedron..Guys, thanx for road signs! 

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