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Collision faces in tiles with 1.1.4


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Let me join you in asking this.


Rich posted there will be n-way collision (in the 1.1.4 announcement thread) but the only thing I found in the examples so far was "One Way Collision", which does not help since it's only for sprites.

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Hi jcs,


Even if that works (couldn't get it to work right away, but i will try some more) it is not what rafaholiveira and I were expecting, since you were able to set these options on tile-indexes in phaser 1.1.3.

(So for example every tile with index 6 in the map only collides from above, because it's a bridge tile you can walk upon, but jump on it from below)


If now the function is only available on the tile-data we would have to run a x/y scan over the hole map to fix every tile with tile index 6.


(SetCollisionRange had those up/down/left/right parameters)



At least setting it for all tiles in my map:


    var x, y, tile;
    for (x = 0; x < this.map.width; x++) {
      for (y = 1; y < this.map.height; y++) {
        tile = this.map.getTile(x,y);
        if (tile !== null) {
          tile.setCollision(false, false, false, true);
Before or after calling SetCollisionBetween has no visible (noticeable) effect. Every tile still collides from all sides.
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too bad, it looked promising. it may be related to issue #371 (though a completely different scenario, it seems that updating collision info after it is created doesn't "take" properly...). or not. :)


@jpdev - yes, I understand. the API for tiles, tilemaps and tilemaplayers changed significantly in 1.1.4 - sometimes good, sometimes less good

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jcs: most changes are great (multi layer support and stuff like that).


I hope given a little time there will be n-way for tiles (be it for single tiles or a tile index).


If not it will be complicated to continue with my mario inspired game. (As I said, beeing able to jump through platforms from below is kind of a standard thing to do in platformers).

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indeed. it seems to me that Tile.setCollision() was intended to do just that, but it didn't get implemented (the flags that it sets don't seem to be used, that I can tell). I would enter a github issue on this. maybe Rich can get to it for 1.1.5 

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