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Strange Audio Bug


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I'm having the strangest  bug with Phaser 3s Particle System... I'm running Chrome on MacOS. Bug isn't happening on Firefox on MacOS.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Listen to music on either Google Music or Spotify in another Tab (YouTube doesn't work).

2. Run a Phaser 3 Game in the Active Tab that creates Particles that go out of the game canvas.

3. Music starts to break down (sounds like framedrops and playback slows down).


Here some code that you can paste here to get started quickly:

var config = {
        type: Phaser.AUTO,
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        scene: {
            preload: preload,
            create: create

    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

    function preload ()

      this.load.image('bg', 'assets/skies/deep-space.jpg');
      this.load.spritesheet('waters', 'assets/sprites/waters.png', {frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 400});
      this.load.image('explosion', 'assets/sprites/explosion.png');

    function create ()

      var bgimg = this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg');
      bgimg.scaleX = 800 / bgimg.width;
      bgimg.scaleY = 600 / bgimg.height;

      var waters = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
        var water = this.add.sprite(i*32+16, 500, 'waters');

      var particles = this.add.particles('explosion');
      var emitter = particles.createEmitter({
        speed: 100,
        blendMode: "ADD",
        scale: {start: 0.5, end: 3},
        alpha: {start: 1, end: 0},
        x: 400,
        y: 300

        key: 'waves0',
        frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('waters', {frames: [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1]}),
        frameRate: 10,
        repeat: -1
      for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
          waters[i].anims.play("waves0", true);


If anyone could reproduce this, that would be great for my sanity...

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