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bullet switch sprite


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I want to switch sprite or frame when i fire. I use this for the moment but it's only working when i load the game.

It's possible to switch sprite or frame in createMultiple(quantity, key, frame, exists) ?

APP.bullets = game.add.group();    APP.bullets.createMultiple(10, random_card());    APP.bullets.setAll('anchor.x', 0.5);    APP.bullets.setAll('anchor.y', 1);    APP.bullets.enableBody = true;    game.physics.enable(APP.bullets);function random_card() {    var bullet    var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1);    switch (rand) {        case 1:            bullet = "bullet1";            return bullet;            break;        case 2:            bullet = "bullet2";            return bullet;            break;        case 3:            bullet = "bullet3";            return bullet;            break;        case 1:            bullet = "bullet4";            return bullet;            break;        default:            return "error!";    }}
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Can you describe what the different sprites are and what you mean by switch? You probably want the different frames of the bullet to be on a single spritesheet. Next you'll need to create a function tied to input to play the spritesheet animation. See this example: when the arrow keys are pressed, an animation is played: http://examples.phaser.io/_site/view_full.html?d=games&f=starstruck.js&t=starstruck

if (cursors.left.isDown)// ...  player.animations.play('left'); 
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createMultiple creates many sprites with the same properties.  So when you run  this you get 10 bullets with the same key.

You can do that :

for (var i=0;i<10;i++) {    App.bullets.create(x,y,random_card());}

this will create 10 bullets with different keys.

Keep in mind that Group.create  makes the value sprite.visible=true instead of sprite.visible=false. 

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Thank you for you're help. Finally i use this code:

//create the group APP.bullets = game.add.group();    bulletTabs = [//Then i add 2 bullets with the same sprite in case i fire more than 4 bullets        APP.bullets.create(0, 0, "bullet1"),        APP.bullets.create(0, 0, "bullet1"),        APP.bullets.create(0, 0, "bullet2"),        APP.bullets.create(0, 0, "bullet2"),        APP.bullets.create(0, 0, "bullet3"),        APP.bullets.create(0, 0, "bullet3"),        APP.bullets.create(0, 0, "bullet4"),        APP.bullets.create(0, 0, "bullet4")    ];//i kill them    for (i = 0; i < bulletTabs.length; i++) {        bulletTabs[i].kill();    }APP.bullets.enableBody = true;    game.physics.enable(APP.bullets);// And when i grab the bullet i usevar currentBullet = APP.bullets.getRandom(0, 8);
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