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Tween sprite with an arc.


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I put something together for you on jsfiddle to show one way of achieving an arc using a straight tween on the x axis and Math.sin to create an arc on the y




The relevant bit of the code is the function 'doTween'

function doTween(){    //NOTE THAT Y GOES FROM ZERO TO MATH.PI    var from = {x:10, y: 0};    var to = {x:w-10, y: Math.PI};    var tw = new TWEEN.Tween(from);    tw.to(to, 3000);    tw.onUpdate(function(){        tweenX = this.x;        //THIS IS THE IMPORTANT BIT (h is the height of the canvas)        tweenY = h - (Math.sin(this.y) * h);    });    tw.start();};
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I'm trying to implement what alex_h suggested but, god, math are too hard for my brain :( 

All i want is for a ball to reach an object with an arc, and when it's there it should start falling with an arc. Anything simpler? If not, i'll try to implement what suggested already.

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Of course, by all means steal, adapt, reuse and enjoy! I use this method to make pieces on a board in an isometric turn-based-game 'hop' from one place to the next. It's by no means 'physically accurate' but it looks right and allows total control over the movement.

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