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Treating Multiple Array Elements as the Same Variable


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In my code, below, I have a bouncing circle animation. I would like to make an array called circles and push back new circles when needed. I want every circle in the array to be represented by the variable circle, but have separate x and y values. Any ideas as to how I could do this ?  

  window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){      return  window.requestAnimationFrame       ||               window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||               window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    ||               window.oRequestAnimationFrame      ||               window.msRequestAnimationFrame     ||               function(/* function */ callback, /* DOMElement */ element){                window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);              };    })();  // example code from mr doob : http://mrdoob.com/lab/javascript/requestanimationframe/var 		canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"),		    c = canvas.getContext("2d"),		    time = 0, gravity = 0.1, dampening = 0.99,		    pullStrength = 0.01;var circle =  {	x: 50, 	y: 50,	//(VX, VY) = Velocity Vector	vx: 0, 	vy: 0, 	radius: 20};function update(){	requestAnimFrame(update);	render();}function render (){    //c.clearRect(0, 0,canvas.width, canvas.height);      c.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)';      c.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);    //Increment location by Velocity   	circle.x += circle.vx;   	circle.y += circle.vy;   	//Increment gravity over time -- Acceleration   	circle.vy+= gravity;   	//Slow it down    	circle.vy *= dampening;   	circle.vx *= dampening;   	//Bouncing    		//bottom   	if(circle.y + circle.radius > canvas.height){   		circle.vy = -Math.abs(circle.vy);   	}   		//top   	if(circle.y - circle.radius < 0){   		circle.vy = Math.abs(circle.vy);   	}   		//right   	if(circle.x + circle.radius > canvas.width){   		circle.vx = -Math.abs(circle.vx);   	}   		//left   	if(circle.x - circle.radius < 0){   		circle.vx = Math.abs(circle.vx);   	}   	c.fillStyle = 'black';    c.beginPath();    c.arc(circle.x,circle.y,circle.radius, 0 , 2* Math.PI);    c.closePath();    c.fill();}	canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e){		var mouseX = (e.pageX||e.clientX||e.offsetX) - canvas.offsetLeft,		mouseY = (e.pageY||e.clientY||e.offsetY) - canvas.offsetTop;		var dx = mouseX - circle.x,			dy = mouseY - circle.y;		circle.vx += dx * pullStrength;		circle.vy += dy * pullStrength;});update();


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just make create array and put your circles on it


var circles = [];//adding 10 circlesfor (var i =0; i<10; i++){  var circle =  {	x: 50, 	y: 50,	vx: 0, 	vy: 0, 	radius: 20  };  circles.push(circle);}...//updating circlesfor (var i =0; i<circles.length; i++){  var circle =  circles[i];  circle.x = some_new_Xvalue;  circle.y = some_new_Yvalue;  ....}
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