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Best way to build a 2d sprite


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Hi, I'm a newbie in phaser development and I'm a bit lost.


I have a character I want to include in the game I'm developing, the animations are splitted as 67 pngs, each one contains a frame of the char animation, eg pngs 1 to 4 contains the default iddle animation.


How is the best way to animate the character in my case?


I have read about texture atlases and building a spritesheet by hand, but is there an automatic way to to this?


By the way, some frames have different dimensions than others, like the pre-blowing (because it is a vehicle) has 100 px width, while the iddle one has 70px, and I need every frame to have collisions with other sprites.

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Drag and drop all the pngs into there. Select JSON-TP-Array for the file type then save the spritesheet and json files. You can then load those into Phaser and have access to their animations like this (but instead of a StarlingAtlas load in a AtlasJSONArray). Make sure all the pngs have logical ordered names so that you can load animations into the AnimationManager easily (example would be walk-1.png, walk-2.png, walk-3.png, attack-1.png, attack-2.png, attack-3.png,.... etc.).

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