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Hi all, I just posted this issue over here at the PIXI github (https://github.com/GoodBoyDigital/pixi.js/issues/1038) - But thought it might be worth it to fire up a discussion and see if anyone had come accross the issue before.

I'll give a brief overview incase people can't be bothered to look at the github link, basically what's happening is this :

webGL Renderer -> canvas Renderer



That's two sprites on a blank stage, one is a standard PIXI.Sprite (the square) and the other is a PIXI.TilingSprite (the circle) - under webGL it runs fine, under canvas it fails...as you can see.

The code to reproduce the issue is over at the above mentioned github link. I'm using the latest PIXI and have tested it on firefox, chrome, and using cordova crosswalk on android devices.


I also have a secondary question for anyone familiar with cordova crosswalk (or just plain crosswalk as well)

When I build this into an app using crosswalk, on one of my test phones it forces the canvasRenderer when I use autoDetectRenderer. And when I try to set the renderer manually with "renderer = new PIXI.WebGLRenderer" I get an error saying the phone does not support webGL.

However, when I build this using intelXDK (which as far as I know uses cordova crosswalk) the issue never arises, it's as if the phone magically can use webGL again. Any Ideas?

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