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Camera not positioned correctly after changing start away from scrolling


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When we start a new state after the camera has moved over a tilemap world, we can't seem to reset the camera position.


I've tried calling this.camera.setPosition(0,0)  and this.camera.view.y = 0, but this does not seem to work.



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I ran into the same problem, and google send me here.


My problem was, a button placed in the menu-state with:

this.btn = this.game.add.button(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY, 'startBtn', this.startgame);

Was no longer visible after returning to this state from the game (which uses a tilemap).


The solution was to reset the world bounds before creating the button, like this:

    this.game.world.setBounds(0, 0, this.game.width, this.game.height);

Turns out (found out by debugging) that my button was placed at x=24000, y=400 ... because in my gamestate my tilemap-layer is 48000 pixel long, and I call resizeWorld on the layer.


Solution: Resize the World to the screen size for the main menu.

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