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Found 8 results

  1. Hi all, Currently I try to rotate the game 90 degree to meet the portrait mode for my [landscape] game, I used other's solution to rotate all display object by this.game.scale.setGameSize(, ; and Phaser.World.prototype.displayObjectUpdateTransform = function() { if(!this.game.scale.correct) { this.x = this.game.camera.y + this.game.width; this.y = -this.game.camera.x; this.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(Phaser.Math.wrapAngle(90)); } else { this.x = -this.game.camera.x; this.y = -this.game.camera.y; this.rotation = 0; } PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype.updateTransform.call(this); }; now all display object are rotated, but the pointer are not rotate, so when I want to do something with activePointer like: calculation with the mouse position drag and drop logic the x, y are reversed. So I want to know is there any good solution to switch the x, y of the pointer, thx.
  2. As shown in this topic: It seems, separate groups are interleaved. How do they function with the z-index between each other? If I create group1 first and group2, group1 is below group2 right? What if I add element1 first to group2 and then element2 to group1 will element1 be above element2 since group2 was created later or its vice versa? Can somebody explain me how Phaser groups work?
  3. It's just a nightmare Why DisplayObject has no width and height properties?
  4. Do anyone knows how to set the height of a group ? this.upperContainer = this.add.group(); this.upperContainer.height = 500; console.log(this.upperContainer.height); /// Outputs zero 0 If I change the x or y the group moves properly in the canvas, but I want to change the height and width so I can add objects into that group that make calculations according to the height and width of this group container. any ideas?
  5. I am trying to get structure to be glued to cobblestone ground! So that their X values are dependent! However cobblestone ground just stays in the same place(on the screen, setViewportX doesn't do anythin!) function Background() { var texture = PIXI.Texture.fromImage("cobblestone_ground.png"); PIXI.TilingSprite.call(this, texture, 4000, 100); this.position.x = 0; this.position.y = 370; this.tilePosition.x = 50; this.tilePosition.y = 0 ; this.viewportX = 1000; var structure = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.fromImage("spire.png")); structure.position.y = -100; this.addChild(structure); };
  6. What is difference of alpha and worldAlpha in DisplayObject? How should I use these properties ? This code works cotainer.alpha=0.1; This code does not works container.worldAlpha=0.1;
  7. Hi, Am I correct that the only way to load in a video texture and have it render in the Pixi.js renderer is by using the VideoTexture.fromURL method? var texture = PIXI.VideoTexture.fromUrl("test.mp4");If this is correct, is there a way to have control to the native HTMLMediaElement controls? (i.e. restart the video, scroll in video, etc.) Lastly, because this is webGL, I would assume that displaying video textures (playing clips) in pixi is faster than just using the native html5 video element and some library that manipulates it (like videojs) Ultimately I would like to be able to make custom controls for the video player using Pixi sprites, does this sound workable? The main thing is I just do not know how to control the video once it is playing...
  8. Hello, I recently updated my game to Phaser 2.1.3 from phaser 2.0.7 And I'm getting the following error in Chrome: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'crop' of undefined phaser.min.js:2085PIXI.Sprite._renderCanvas phaser.min.js:2085PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer._renderCanvas phaser.min.js:1761PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer._renderCanvas phaser.min.js:1761PIXI.CanvasRenderer.renderDisplayObject phaser.min.js:9178PIXI.CanvasRenderer.render phaser.min.js:9111Phaser.Game.update phaser.min.js:24547Phaser.RequestAnimationFrame.updateRAFAnd the same error as it appears on Firefox TypeError: this.texture is undefinedDoes anyone else have this? Or is there some solution? You can view the error and the source code here: http://www.netgfx.com/trunk/games/Nightcast_213 Thanks. Update: This somehow is related to "this.startButton = this.add.button((game.width/2) - 216, 300, 'menuPlay', this.startGame, this, 1, 0, 2);". The game adds images correctly but when it comes to buttons it throws the error.
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