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Need a Typescript compatible way to add a property to Mesh


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I need to store a boolean property in a BABYLON.Mesh that is not defined in it, for cloning purposes.  This is no problem for javascript:

meshVar.castShadows = true;

Tower of Babel generates both a .js and .ts.  The above line will not compile.  Was looking @ .bind, but this seems to be for functions.  Anyone know the way to do this?  A related question is how would you then access it later?

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Works.  Also, am generating this module function to access castShadows, for anyone searching in future:

    function freshenShadowRenderLists(scene) {        if (!BABYLON.Engine.Version || Number(BABYLON.Engine.Version.substr(0, BABYLON.Engine.Version.lastIndexOf("."))) < 2.0) throw "Babylon version too old";        BABYLON.Tools.Log('In freshenShadowRenderLists');        var renderList = [];        for (var i = 0; i < scene.meshes.length; i++){            if (scene.meshes[i]["castShadows"])                renderList.push(scene.meshes[i]);        }        for (var i = 0; i < scene.lights.length; i++){            if (scene.lights[i]._shadowGenerator)                scene.lights[i]._shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList = renderList;        }    }    module_name.freshenShadowRenderLists = freshenShadowRenderLists;

Am in testing phase for TOB 2.0.  Have modified the first test to do mesh factory cloning. 



Looking at console: 

  1. Gus mesh requested: Gus mesh & children meshes instanced
  2. ShadowGenerator built with embedded freshenShadowRenderLists() call.
  3. Gus mesh requested: Gus mesh & children meshes cloned

Since Cloned after freshenShadowRenderLists(), no shadow for it.

First Click "Orphan - Conceive" toggle to see shadows of kids with parent

Click "Refresh Shadows" to get clone shadowed


The reason I am publishing this is I have changed to a spot light, which handles shadows in BJS 2.0.  There is a minor problem though.  If the very center of the spot is in shadow, the diffuse light still comes through.  Looks like Gus has a bullet hole.

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