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Bitmapdata at x and y position


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How is bmd2 can be move to x and y position?
var createBox = game.make.bitmapData(100,6)createBox.fill(0,0,0,1)createBox.addToWorld() //At 0,0var bmd2 = game.make.bitmapData(1,1)var rect = new Phaser.Rectangle(0,0,1,1)bmd2.copyRect(createBox.canvas,rect)//orbmd2.copy(createBox.canvas,100,100,20,100) //Don't seem to able to move to x:100px and y:100px position?


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If you look at the method signature for copy you'll see the first few parameters are where to copy from (not to).


For this example specifically I'd just do:

var bmd2 = game.make.bitmapData(1,1)var rect = new Phaser.Rectangle(0,0,1,1)bmd2.copyRect(createBox.canvas,rect, 100, 100)
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  • 1 year later...

On the topic, I have my bitmap data added to my world as you've shown:

bmd2.addToWorld(100, 100);

But, now I need to reposition my bitmap data within my world. How do I change the x/y position after it's been added to the world?

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I noticed 

move(x, y, wrap)

I assumed that the method moved the bitmap the amount of x and y relative to the bitmap's current location, but I'm going to give this a try and see if it works relative to the top left of the world.




The amount of pixels to horizontally shift the canvas by. Use a negative value to shift to the left, positive to the right.

This seems to indicate that the x and y are relative to the current location..

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