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Doubt about making my game responsive on "onResize".


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Hi everyone!!


I´ve developed a game based on "Spring Ninja" and I made it responsive:








As you can see the game auto-adapts to all screens taking all the available space on the window. It does the same in all platforms.


I use the innerWidth and innerHeight to load a different size depending on the screen ratio:


var innerWidth = window.innerWidth;
var innerHeight = window.innerHeight;
var gameRatio = innerWidth/innerHeight;
if(innerWidth > innerHeight){ 
game = new Phaser.Game(Math.ceil(320*gameRatio), 320, Phaser.AUTO);

But I have a problem for mobile: when I load  the game on "Portrait" and then the user changes the orientation I would like to reorder the Canvas to autoadapt to the new screen ratio. But I´m can´t do it.


I wrote this code:


$(window).resize(function() { resizeGame(); } );
function resizeGame() {
var innerWidth = window.innerWidth;
var innerHeight = window.innerHeight;
var gameRatio = innerWidth/innerHeight;
game.width = Math.ceil(320*gameRatio);
game.height = 320;
game.stage.bounds.width = Math.ceil(320*gameRatio);
game.stage.bounds.height = 320;
This code is supposed to set the new dimensions to the game, but instead of reescaling everything properly every object gets deformed:
Is it possible to render again the game with the new size?
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Yes, it is possible. In my game I was doing something like this:

        this.time.events.add(200, function() {            MyGame.calculateDimensions();            this.scale.setGameSize(MyGame.canvasWidth, MyGame.canvasHeight);        }, this);

 calculateDimensions() was my method to calculations required for game. Call to setGameSize changes then changes size of game. I looked into source and it should work for both WebGL and Canvas.


 I put it into time event to create small delay before recalculation and game size change. I found it useful on some devices to avoid some problems (looked like sometime, when resized without delay, the screen size was incorrect, so I am giving the device enough time)




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