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Repeat background of tilemap layer made in Tiled


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So I figure if I want a repeating image I'll be using a TileSprite. But I can't get my layer to render to a texture to then generate the tile sprite. I don't know what's going wrong because, basically, nothing shows up and I get no errors in the console.


In this code, "map" is a Tilemap instance, "layer" is a TilemapLayer added through "map.createLayer(layerName);".

var texture = this.game.add.renderTexture(layer.width, layer.height);texture.renderXY(layer, 0, 0)var tileSprite = this.game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, map.widthInPixels, map.heightInPixels, texture);layer.destroy();

Simply nothing shows up. I can display my other images as TileSprites successfully, but I want to be able to make a repeating background in Tiled and have it automatically show up in my game.


If this doesn't work I guess I'll get Tiled to render out my backgrounds as images? That's more annoying because I'll have to do that every time I change the background. What do y'all think?


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