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Tools to create audiosprites?


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Had a look at this https://github.com/tonistiigi/audiosprite  but its giving me errors on ubuntu. 



Tried several commands to no avail. Always get the following error.

sudo audiosprite -o mygamesound gold_carts.wav single_nugget.mp3
sudo audiosprite gold_carts.wav single_nugget.mp3
sudo audiosprite --output mygamesound gold_carts.wav single_nugget.mp3
sudo audiosprite mygamesound /home/prince/Desktop/explosion_5.wav /home/prince/Desktop/Win_GameOver.mp3
sudo audiosprite --output mygamesound /home/prince/Desktop/explosion_5.wav /home/prince/Desktop/Win_GameOver.mp3
sudo audiosprite -o mygamesound /home/prince/Desktop/explosion_5.wav /home/prince/Desktop/Win_GameOver.mp3
events.js:72        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event              ^Error: spawn ENOENT    at errnoException (child_process.js:1011:11)    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:802:34)

This is a time-consuming debug so instead of finding why this is happening, I was wondering if there an easy and simple audiosprite creator out there?



EDIT - Tried different sound source files as well and still the same error so no issues with sound files. 

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Hi, have you installed ffmpeg? I was solving this yesterday.


 If you are on windows, then you can write batch script like this:

setlocalset "PATH=%path%;d:\Utils\FFMPEG\bin"audiosprite --output sfx --export mp3,ogg,m4a,wav --format createjs --bitrate 64 --samplerate 44100 --channels 1 Click.wav Explosion.wav

 This adds path to ffmpge\bin to your PATH environment variable only for script duration. Not sure, how to do it on Ubuntu...

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Hi, have you installed ffmpeg? I was solving this yesterday.


 If you are on windows, then you can write batch script like this:

setlocalset "PATH=%path%;d:\Utils\FFMPEG\bin"audiosprite --output sfx --export mp3,ogg,m4a,wav --format createjs --bitrate 64 --samplerate 44100 --channels 1 Click.wav Explosion.wav

 This adds path to ffmpge\bin to your PATH environment variable only for script duration. Not sure, how to do it on Ubuntu...



I installed ffmpeg on ubuntu via npm. Am giving it a go on windows now. thanks

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I've been trying to use this tool to create some audiosprite files but I'm having some issues. I think I have everything installed correctly and the bat file I created, based on the one above works:

audiosprite --output sfx --export mp3,ogg,m4a,wav --format createjs --bitrate 64 --samplerate 44100 --channels 1 creature1.ogg creature2.ogg creature3.ogg

I have quite a lot of sounds that I want to use and it's getting a bit unwieldy so I've been trying to use the javascript method based on the API usage example on the github, so

var audiosprite = require('audiosprite')

var files = ['creature1.ogg', 'creature2.ogg', 'creature3.ogg']
var opts = {output: 'result', export:'mp3,ogg,m4a,wav'}

audiosprite(files, opts, function(err, obj) {
  if (err) return console.error(err)

  console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2))

but I'm getting errors:

error:  Error: Error adding file
    at C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\audiosprite\audiosprite.js:267:25

The source files, js file with the above code and the bat file are all in the same folder. I have also tried specifying the full path in the files array, but no dice. I could just keep using the bat file but I'd really prefer to work out what I am doing wrong.

I feel a bit silly asking a question in a year old thread but this seems to be one of the few places discussing how to use it.

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