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CastorGUI dispose system


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Hi !

Thanks for the CastorGUI engine, it looks promising :)

But I got problems with the GUIManager.dispose() function.

I created a playground : http://playground.babylonjs.com/#1IRV2X#65

In my scene, I have this code :

var button = new CASTORGUI.GUITexture("button", "textures/vault11.png", {w: button_w, h: button_h, x: button_x, y: button_y}, guiManager, function() {	if(selectedPlayer != "NULL"){	// Dispose GUI	//guiManager.setVisible(false);	//guiManager.dispose();	// Cancel menu state	window.cancelAnimationFrame(menu_animate);	// Game init	init(selectedPlayer);	// Game animate	animate();});

this code call the init() function

function init(selectedPlayer) {	// Dispose GUIManager from the menu	//guiManager.dispose();	//guiManager.setVisible(false, false);		// Initialise scene	createScene();}

and creates a new scene !!

Everything works well, except I can not dispose the GUIManager. It still appears on the screen.

Is there a way to remove the GUIManager ?

And another problem appears just after that. This code  worked before :

window.addEventListener("click", function () {	// We try to pick an object	var pickResult = babylonScene.pick(babylonScene.pointerX, babylonScene.pointerY);	console.log(pickResult);        if(pickResult.hit)	{		// Mesh name picked		var pickName = pickResult.pickedMesh.name;		console.log(pickName);			}});

But not now, the ground is always the only picked mesh :/

So I suppose it is because the GUIManager is still present ?

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OK it works, the GUI remove elements. But I still got one problem.


I was using bGUI this way :

var gui = new bGUI.GUISystem(babylonScene, 1200, 780);gui.enableClick();            // Logovar logo = new bGUI.GUIPanel("logo", assets["logo"], null, gui);logo.relativePosition(new BABYLON.Vector3(0.5, 0.05, 0));// Buttonvar vault = new bGUI.GUIPanel("button", assets["vault11"], null, gui);vault.relativePosition(new BABYLON.Vector3(0.5, 0.9, 0));vault.onClick = function(){        if(selectedPlayer != "NULL"){        // Cancel menu state	window.cancelAnimationFrame(menu_animate);	// Game init	init(selectedPlayer);	// Game animate        animate();}

I replaced it by this code from CastorGUI :

// CSSvar css = '';	// Empty, no CSS for now// ManagerguiManager = new CASTORGUI.GUIManager(canvas, css);			// Logovar logo_h = guiManager.getCanvasWidth().height * 20/100;		// height : 15% du canvasvar logo_w = logo_h;											// width = height (logo carré)var logo_x = (guiManager.getCanvasWidth().width - logo_w) / 2;	// centré en xvar logo_y = 10;												// marge en yvar logo = new CASTORGUI.GUITexture("logo", "textures/tlk_logo_256.png",												{w: logo_w, h: logo_h, x: logo_x, y: logo_y}, guiManager, null);			// Buttonvar button_h = guiManager.getCanvasWidth().height * 15/100;			// height : 10% du canvasvar button_w = button_h * 2.5;										// approximatif (img = 255x98)var button_x = (guiManager.getCanvasWidth().width - button_w) / 2;	// centré en xvar button_y = guiManager.getCanvasWidth().height - button_h - 10;	// marge en yvar button = new CASTORGUI.GUITexture("button", "textures/vault11.png", {w: button_w, h: button_h, x: button_x, y: button_y}, guiManager, function() {	if(selectedPlayer != "NULL"){		// Dispose GUI		guiManager.dispose();		// Cancel menu state		window.cancelAnimationFrame(menu_animate);		// Game init		init(selectedPlayer);		// Game animate		animate();	}});

So with bGUI, when I clicked the button, a new scene was created and I can pick meshes on the scene.

But with CastorGUI, I always pick the same mesh, it is strange...


Do you have an idea why this code returns different results with these GUI ?

window.addEventListener("click", function () {	// We try to pick an object	var pickResult = babylonScene.pick(babylonScene.pointerX, babylonScene.pointerY);	console.log(pickResult);        if(pickResult.hit)	{		// Mesh name picked		var pickName = pickResult.pickedMesh.name;		console.log(pickName);	}});

Maybe it comes from the "window" element ? Do you modify something from the window, the document, or something else, to create your GUI ?

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try this:

scene.onPointerDown = function (evt, pickResult) {	console.log(pickResult);	if (pickResult.hit && pickResult.pickedMesh) {		// Mesh name picked		var pickName = pickResult.pickedMesh.name;		console.log(pickName);	}			};

instead of this

window.addEventListener("click", function () {	// We try to pick an object	var pickResult = babylonScene.pick(babylonScene.pointerX, babylonScene.pointerY);	console.log(pickResult);        if(pickResult.hit)	{		// Mesh name picked		var pickName = pickResult.pickedMesh.name;		console.log(pickName);	}});

CastorGUI being a layer on top of the canvas, it has no impact on the scene

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Hm, the fact is I was calling scene.dispose(), to clean the scene, and after that I add some new elements.


But the dispose() function calls detachControl() on the scene, and you have to call attachControl() yourself to re-activate the click and keyboard events. That was my mistake.

It is strange because controls worked anyway (click was detected but worked bad)


Thank you Dad to have fixed guimanager.dispose() ;-)

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