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GamersOnline - Startup HTML5 Distribution App


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Hey everyone! I just signed up to these forums on behalf of the startup I work for, GamersOnline, and I wanted to introduce myself, and what we do, to you all (I’m Brian, by the way, hi!).

As I said, we are a startup company and we are currently developing an app (and later, a PC program as well) that will serve as a distribution platform specializing in HTML5 games, especially of the indie variety. Essentially, we think there is a huge market for HTML5 gaming out there and we are seeking to provide a centralized way of reaching that healthy, but largely untapped, market. It’s what we are literally banking on. Our technology will be both extremely secure (meaning no one will be able to copy your code) and will also allow anyone to play your games on any device (which means you don’t have to worry about Apple approval).

We are close to having a beta app ready in the coming months, but in the meantime, we are interesting in just getting to know you all, the developers, to see what your concerns are, what you struggle with, how you’d like to monetize your creations, etc. Basically, we want to test the waters to find out how we can best partner with this community to make everyone more successful and satisfied with their passion.

I’ll be posting more details as we get closer to launching, but if anyone has any questions, feel free to post them!

Thanks for reading and I hope to be on here often getting to know you all.

Website: http://www.gamersonline.co/

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Hello Brian, and welcome.


Seems like a very interesting idea, so basically you are looking to create a cross platform distribution service for HTML5 games? How exactly will this work for developers? I read on your website, that developers are able to choose how we monetize our games and can even set up a storefront, is this all going to be done through your parent application? Will their be something like a membership fee for developers to use your application, or will your company be taking a percentage of sales?

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Hi Brian, sounds like a good value proposition to me, we explored very similar business models.  I don't doubt it makes some sense longer term, but I have some scepticism it'll be worthwhile for early adopters, or financially viable in the long term due to such low margins relating to generic game advertising.

I read with interest the Customer Journey segment from your website which touches on emotional targeting which is great as it can break out of the generic advertising and get decent revenues.  But without an existing library of games and players how will you demonstrate such increases in CTR to secure higher paying advertisers, and without such advertisers how will you secure a library of compelling games and players?

For example, are you bringing an existing audience, game catalogue or media buyers to the startup?

Thanks for sharing.



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Hey thanks for the responses guys! To answer a few questions:

Yes, Get_Bentley, that's exactly what we are doing - a cross-platform distribution service. For developers, what this means is that you sign up to be part of our service (as I said, starting with a mobile app and eventually a PC program too), we list your game in our marketplace, and we split the profits from all game sales and ad revenue, weighted heavily in favor of the developer (and we will have even better break-downs for early adopters). As of right now and into beta (and perhaps even during our first year after market entry), it will cost developers nothing to sign up with us, no membership fee. Likewise, any profits you are already making from your own website or any other business ventures remains untouched. You still have full rights to your games, full ability to partner with other businesses, we are merely another way to market your game and gain you exposure.

And yes, if you are a developer that has a number of games under your belt already, we can work with you to create a customized storefront for your "brand". It will all be contained within our app, but the point is to promote you and increase your following.

b10b, I would actually say, for early adopters, it makes the most sense, given that there is literally no reason not to get onboard right now. Eventually (mid-2017 at the earliest but we aren't firm on this yet), we might have a small yearly fee, but for now, it costs nothing to be a part of this project. And you're right, since we are a startup, it's all about building an audience and a following. But that's the whole point: collaboration to centralize the market. If your games and Bentley's games are both on the same indie-friendly app, then his fans are likely to become your fans too, and vice versa.

We at GamersOnline are primarily focused on the developers, not the end-users. What that means is, as a distribution app, we want to make you guys happy more than anything else. We want to create a stable foundation where you can feature your work. No, we don't have a giant audience of end-users yet, but that's what being a startup is all about. And like I said, there's really nothing to lose at this point. Even if being part of GamersOnline only nets you a few extra ad dollars or game sales, that's a few more than you had previously :)

If you want to talk to me directly about percentage splits or anything else that's a little more in-depth or case-by-case, shoot me a message: [email protected]. Otherwise I'm happy to keep answering questions here!

Oh here, let me post this here too. It's our value propositions info sheet:

Under the Hood.pdf

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to update you all on our progress. We are nearing the start of beta in March. But just in case you thought this was all talk, behold the screenshots! The long vertical pics are of app itself (and its icon), while the horizontal pics are of our developer portal. The dev portal obviously allows you to upload and manage your games, along with giving you detailed analytics. That's one of the things we were hoping to ask you guys about, by the way: Which analytics would be most valuable to you?

Let me know if you have any questions!











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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,

Just checking back in to say that we are still working hard on the app. I hope the screenshots got you all a little excited at the prospect. We got a bunch of interested parties reaching us through our website, which is extremely encouraging. I don't want to make a hard sell or anything (especially since, again, there is cost to partnering with us), but we are offering much better revenue splits for early adopters and for the first few months (our beta and early roll-out periods). So if this idea even vaguely appeals to you, an app that functions as kind of a universal, cross-platform mobile version of Steam for HTML5 (and ported Unity engine) games, please let us know. The only cost to you, the developer is the 20 or so minutes it takes to upload your game to our servers. That's it. Everything beyond that is potential profit to you.

We are super excited for the March beta. Hoping to see lots of you joining us for the journey!

Edit: Oh and just got back from a status update meeting - our CTO just informed us that we will have in-app purchases as a beta/launch feature! So yet another way for you all to make money on our platform!

Edited by GamersOnline
Good News Everyone!
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  • 2 weeks later...

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