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Call input events explicitly?


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I have this color picker component which I created on my own. 

The structure of it is as follows: colorPicker is container graphics object which holds one color swatch graphics object(in this case the dark blue) and a button graphics object which has input handler. When i press the button, 13 other color swatch objects are added to colorPicker graphics object. Also when I press the arrow button again it destroys the below color swatch objects. 

However, it  would be good if I can issue a command to remove other color swatches from outside of the colorPicker object, maybe when I press on the other area of the stage.

How can I call existing event in graphics object from outside world? Is there some utility function in Phaser, like call() or?

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On August 26, 2016 at 3:36 AM, spinnerbox said:

How can I call existing event in graphics object from outside world? Is there some utility function in Phaser, like call() or?

I don't think you need to invoke the event, you just need to expose a method and call it.

colorPicker.destroyStuff = function (){
    // …


some.events.onDown.add(colorPicker.destroyStuff, colorPicker);


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