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Creating a city building simulator


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47 minutes ago, Convergence said:


Thanks :) I'm working on performance now.. If you have a minute, you can try to see if disabling render targets helps (click the FPS meter to open the babylon debug layer, then uncheck render targets). But I'll get a more rigorously optimized version out soon with a settings dialog to disable and enable certain options.


Hmm, what FPS are you getting for this link? http://misc.blicky.net/c2/?id=1&highfps

Yes, that's it!  60fps with your link, but also a lot of error msg:
I was in a bad attitude this morning, so nevermind me. 


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5 hours ago, Nabroski said:

Yes, that's it!  60fps with your link, but also a lot of error msg:
I was in a bad attitude this morning, so nevermind me. 

No worries; hope its better now. Yikes, that might just be a network error (I can't seem to reproduce it); would a refresh (or two) help?

25 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:

Other option: you can keep your shadows but set the rendertexture to render only once (or only when you want to update the texture)

Like generator.getShadowMap().refreshRate = BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture.REFRESHRATE_RENDER_ONCE;

Thank you; I tried setting it to 0 or 10 or so (sorry numbers are easier to remember than long constants), however if I set it to anything other than 1 it starts to flicker badly :(

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Ah Ok, i'm sorry - its again only me. You are using babylonjs 2.3 and im on chrome 56 with webgl 2.0 many things will break, it's a expected behavior. Its a dev build of chrome (im a devloper) til it hit the marked you can run your website at least for 1year. then probably you just have to change the babylonjs version. so its not a big deal

i think @Deltakosh already make good plans to kick complicity backward compatibility in 2.6 babylonjs i look at babylonjs 1.0.1 on github,  back to the roots! yeah! 


Your website runs wonderful (60pfs) with a common browser installed on my system! Great Work. Good Luck! 


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On 12/11/2016 at 10:01 AM, Deltakosh said:

It will flicker if meshes in the shadows are moving. But I was thinking about using one shadowmap for the building (and keep it with renderOnce) and one for moving objects only

Good to know :) 

That's a clever suggestion; unfortunately when tried, it seems incompatible with BitOfGold's function of manipulating the shadowGenerator's matrix to adapt to one single mesh that scales with the camera radius. But the solution will probably involve renderOnce somehow..

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