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Audio looping constantly, getting annoying sound >.<


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Im adding audio to my game and I'm having trouble playing the audio just once when my lands after a jump. I keep on getting this redundant and unpleasant sound from the game and was wondering if there is a method of just playing the audio just once when the player lands.  


Here is my code : 

update: function(){

// Basically an event listener for the keys.
    cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();

    var onPlatform = game.physics.arcade.collide(player,platforms);

    player.body.velocity.x = 0;

      player.scale.x = 1;
      player.body.velocity.x = 150;
      player.animations.play('right', 10,true);
      facing = 'right';

    else if(cursors.left.isDown){
            player.body.velocity.x = -150;
            player.scale.x = 1;
            player.animations.play('left', 10, true);
            facing = 'left';

    if(facing != 'idle')

    if (facing == 'left')

        player.frame = 4;
    if (facing == 'right'){
        player.frame = 5;

    else {
          player.frame = 4;
      facing = 'idle';


  if (cursors.up.isDown && player.body.touching.down && onPlatform ){
      player.body.velocity.y = -400;

  if(player.body.touching.down && onPlatform){

  if (fireButton.isDown){
      gunSound.play();    }

And here is my repo if anyone would like to play : https://github.com/Jcook894/Side_Scroller_game

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59 minutes ago, PhasedEvolution said:

put  if (fireButton.isDown){ fireGun(); gunSound.play(); }  in you create function.

I put both of those if statements into the create function and its still playing, Am I supposed to pass it in parameters?


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