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Clean a face from its texture


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I'm trying to do something simple on paper : I want a mesh with it's to face textured, but the rest of the mesh intact.

On paper, i would only need to put some UV coordinates on the top face's points, and uvs that invalidates the texture on other faces. But when I do that, the original color of every other face is still altered.


I thought setting uv(0,0) would be enough, but it's not.

Does someone know how to do that please ?


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not sure to understand what you try to achieve ... here's a box textured on a single face : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#OTFI8#2

(not sure your texture can be downloaded in the PG also)

The same with different colors and textures per face : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#OTFI8#3

The vertex color is mixed to the texture color, so if you want to keep the textured face with its original color, just set this color to white.

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