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Exporter 3ds max : Error with anim in a instance objet

Florent Glibert

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Hello everybody.


I have recently encountered a problem in exporting an instance object with animation.


Let me explain.

First, I created a basic cube (Boîte001) to which I link a skeleton of two bones. I created a simple animation that folds it down.

After, I created 3 instances of the cube and I turn them each of 90°.

If I "export and run", there is no bug. The instances follow well the basic animation. (see bugInstAnim_ok.jpg)


My problem happens when I close 3ds max and I turn it back on. If I "export and run" after re-opening, my export changes the orientation of my animation (while it is still good in 3ds.) (see bugInstAnim_bug.jpg)

The only solution for my problem is to delete old instances and recreate them.


Do you know where the problem might come from? Because, if I create a complex scene with full animated instancs and I have to recreate them after each restart of 3ds max, it might be very long...


Thank you for your help.
Best regards,


Letsbro team


PS: I joint my .babylon and .3ds files.







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Thanks for your help.


I have 3Ds max 2017 Fr (yes, it's so bad...)



Yes, I also think it comes directly from 3ds max. I will test on the 2015 and 2016 to see if the bug depends on version.

Do you think that the animations on the instances will not be possible (or difficult, considering the additional steps to do as soon as the bug appears.) I also pass the scene before export (I had to start again. I haven't save it before manipulation) But I think it will not change anything.


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