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Check Sprites/Objects in range


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Phaser has a QuadTree implementation (/phaser/docs/Phaser.QuadTree.html), which might be helpful with your problem.Haven't tried it yet, though. Should look something like that:


var qTree = new Phaser.QuadTree(game.physics, 0, 0, game.world.x, game.world.y, enemy.length, 4, 1);
var near_enemies=qTree.retrieve(Phaser.Rectangle(player.x-50,player.y-50,player.width+50,player.height+50);


The project that the phaser-QuadTree-code is (according to the docs) based upon has a quite understandable overview about how to generally use it...


...and a good linked article that explains what's going on if this is your first use of QuadTrees:



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Thanks for the hint, but "retrieve(sprite: Object)" takes an sprite and checks only based on the sprites body size. So passing a rect would not work without further tweaking of the QuadTree but I will consider it when I get performance issues.


Until then it would be nice, to provide some generic quadtree, that not only works on sprite but every object hat implements a IRectangle or something.


If there is demand on that I would also write one for Phaser.

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  • 2 years later...

The invisible sprite method is good. I've also used

var distanceBetween = Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype.distanceBetween;

Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype.distanceTo = function(target) {
  return distanceBetween(this.center, target.body.center);

Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype.isBeyond = function(range, target) {
  return this.distanceTo(target) > range;

Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype.isWithin = function(range, target) {
  return this.distanceTo(target) <= range;


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