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Cursor keys only working in 1 state, stops working once you change states


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I'm using Phaser for a school project. were making a 2d platformer game. I have multiple states for different levels. The transition works fine, next level is displayed properly, enemies function as the should, everything scrolls, but the keyboard stops recognizing input.

right now i have: this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); in the create function of both Level.js and Level2.js but they are not working for level 2.

i have also modified the create cursor keys function in phaser.js to add a few key codes so now it reads like this:

return this.addKeys({ 'up': Phaser.KeyCode.UP, 'down': Phaser.KeyCode.DOWN, 'left': Phaser.KeyCode.LEFT, 'right': Phaser.KeyCode.RIGHT, 'ctrl':Phaser.KeyCode.CONTROL, 'shift':Phaser.KeyCode.SHIFT, 'alt':Phaser.KeyCode.ALT, 'enter':Phaser.KeyCode.ENTER});


Basically wondering what i should be doing different to get keyboard input recognized in multiple states. i tried doing the game.input.resetLocked=true; in the create functions of either level.js or level2.js, it either did nothing (for level2) or stopped the game from running (for level1)

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