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Does Phaser 3 use Pixi.js?


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Hi, I'm about to start a new project, and having used Phaser 2 in the last one, I'd like to use Phaser 3 in this one, as I'm familiar with the API.

But I have a doubt about the graphics library. Phaser 2 used a custom version of Pixi, does the same happen with Phaser 3? If so, what version of Pixi is the latter closer to? How does it compare performance wise with the lastest version of Pixi?


Thanks in advance.

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No, it doesn't use Pixi at all. We've spent over a year working on our own renderer so we have complete control of it. It is significantly better than v2 in every respect as we're able to build it specifically for how Phaser (and games in general) work, rather than being a workhorse renderer that should try and bend to everything. I've not benchmarked it against the latest Pixi, as I honestly don't feel it would be a sensible or logical comparison. You could throw a few bunnymarks around, but that doesn't really prove anything when it comes to an actual game.

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1 hour ago, rich said:

No, it doesn't use Pixi at all. We've spent over a year working on our own renderer so we have complete control of it. It is significantly better than v2 in every respect as we're able to build it specifically for how Phaser (and games in general) work, rather than being a workhorse renderer that should try and bend to everything. I've not benchmarked it against the latest Pixi, as I honestly don't feel it would be a sensible or logical comparison. You could throw a few bunnymarks around, but that doesn't really prove anything when it comes to an actual game.

Thanks for your answer. I think it's great that it uses its own renderer. What I care the most is basically mobile performance. I did not do a comparison myself, but I read that Pixi.js latest version was optimised for mobile, and performed quite better than Phaser 2's renderer. Anyway, I'll start developing my game using Phaser 3 and I'll see what the results are.

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Phaser 2 uses a (slightly) modified Pixi 2, where-as they're currently working on Pixi 5. So they've had years to improve it and of course have done so! I don't believe it's optimized for mobile though, nothing I've seen indicates that, but you can tweak it so much you can target it for mobile for sure. Be careful with your assets and memory use and I'm sure it would fly along. I've seen reports that Pixi 3 is faster than 4, but I honestly think it's use-case specific, and in the general scheme of things, 5 will beat them both out.

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