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Editor exported .babylon shows reflectionProbe texture error on scene load


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- I had a Babylon scene, which was opening fine through very basic scene code with basic camera and light setting. 

- I opened the scene in Babylon editor (editor.babylon.com) and added a reflection probe named "New Reflection Probe", attached to a mesh, added meshes to its render list and finally set ReflectionTexture in a PBR material properties for a mesh to this "New Reflection Probe" from the drop-down. 

- Everything is fine. The mesh was showing reflection as expected. 

- Now I exported Babylon scene. Copied the JSON content that shows up in the export popup.  Replaced the content of my .babylon file with that content. And tried reloading the page. It showed errors like below in browser console: 

BJS - [16:08:16]: Babylon.js engine (v3.1-beta-6) launched
babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692 BJS - [16:08:17]: CannonJS is not available. Please make sure you included the js file.  @ babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692
babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692 BJS - [16:08:17]: Physics Engine CannonJSPlugin cannot be found. Please make sure it is included.  @ babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692
/models/interior/New%20Reflection%20Probe_px.jpg Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
/models/interior/New%20Reflection%20Probe_py.jpg Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
/models/interior/New%20Reflection%20Probe_pz.jpg Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
/models/interior/New%20Reflection%20Probe_nx.jpg Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
/models/interior/New%20Reflection%20Probe_ny.jpg Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
/models/interior/New%20Reflection%20Probe_nz.jpg Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692 BJS - [16:08:20]: Error while trying to load image: ../../models/interior/New Reflection Probe_px.jpg  @ babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692
babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692 BJS - [16:08:20]: Error while trying to load image: ../../models/interior/New Reflection Probe_py.jpg  @ babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692
babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692 BJS - [16:08:20]: Error while trying to load image: ../../models/interior/New Reflection Probe_pz.jpg   @ babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692
babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692 BJS - [16:08:20]: Error while trying to load image: ../../models/interior/New Reflection Probe_nx.jpg   @ babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692
babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692 BJS - [16:08:20]: Error while trying to load image: ../../models/interior/New Reflection Probe_ny.jpg   @ babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692
babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692 BJS - [16:08:20]: Error while trying to load image: ../../models/interior/New Reflection Probe_nz.jpg   @ babylon.3.1.beta.max.js:6692


If I understand Probes well, they are runtime generated and are in-memory. Why them Babylon is looking for texture files?

PS: I don't understand the reason behind showing Babylon JSON in a popup for Babylon Export in Babylon Editor. Especially prettified/maxified JSON. After saving the exported JSON output it was 16 MB. I literally tried 5-6 plugins of Notepad++, Sublime, and VS Code, none worked. I tried online minifier but browser, of course, became irresponsive. I tried 2-3 node packages too but it didn't work.  Ideally, the export option should simply download the .babylon file automatically. Not sure who would use prettified/maxified JSON for what purpose. 


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