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Supporting Shift key for virtual keyboard


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I am trying to support lower-case and upper case letters in the virtual key. One natural approach is to use shift key to alternate the 2 cases.

But looking at the keyboard types/api's, I don't see how to add shift key (or any control key for that matter) to the virtual keyboard, unless I am missing something.

Anyone hits into similar thing and perhaps has the solution ?



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Hi, @HoloLite
due to the way the virtualKeyboard is made, this requires a little bit of work.

But is very doable ;) 
I made comments that should explain what is happening, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask them. 

Quick explaination; Shift is used as a Caps-lock, Clicking it once will make keys upperCase, clicking it again will turn it off and return the keys to lowerCase.


Side-Note; if a key is upperCase by default, it will also visually on the keyboard be made lowerCase by the second shift click, but it will continue to be written in upperCase.

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Updated PG; http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#S7L7FE#9

PR; https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/pull/3368

Added a "shiftState" instead of an boolean.

Allowing a more mobile-like virtual keyboard,
One click = Only next letter is upperCase. // Light blue key.
Two clicks = Caps-lock on. // Light blue key & border.
Three clicks = Caps-lock off. // default color & no border.

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