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Problem drawing simple Lines for a ruler


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no idea why BJS struggles with this code:


It fails when I want to push coordinates in my array in this very line:

myPoints.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(shortLength, currentHeight, 1));

Here´s the code of my function; doesn't even start in PG:

    this.createMeshRuler = function(){
        var rulerHeight = 5.000;
        var rulerWidth = 0.500;
        var sourcePlane = new BABYLON.Plane(0, 0, 0, 0);
        var meshRuler = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePlane("meshRuler", {height:rulerHeight, width: rulerWidth, sourcePlane: sourcePlane, sideOrientation: BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE}, this.scene);
        meshRuler.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.5 * rulerWidth, 0.5 * rulerHeight, 0);
        var rulerMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("myMaterial", this.scene);

            rulerMaterial.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 1, 0);
            meshRuler.material = rulerMaterial;
        // Striche einfügen
        var restHoehe = rulerHeight;    // verbleibende Höhe bis OK Ruler
        var currentHeight = 0;          // aktuelle Höhe beim Aufbauen des Rulers
        var step = 0.200;               // Schrittweite
        var stepCounter = 0;            // Schrittzähler (Schleifendurchläufe)
        var shortLength = 0.2000;
        var longLength = 0.3500;
        Ende: while (restHoehe > 0) {
            currentHeight = restHoehe;
            // kurzen Strich
            if (stepCounter < 5) {
                var myPoints = [];
                myPoints.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                myPoints.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(shortLength, currentHeight, 1));
                var lines = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("lines", {points: myPoints, updatable: true}, this.scene); 
                lines.color = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 0, 0);               
               stepCounter = stepCounter + 1;
               currentHeight = currentHeight + step;
            // langer Strich    
            }else if (stepCounter === 5) {

                var myPoints = [];
                myPoints.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                myPoints.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(longLength, currentHeight, 1));
                var lines = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("lines", {points: myPoints, updatable: true}, this.scene); 
                lines.color = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 0, 0);  
                stepCounter = 0;
                currentHeight = currentHeight + step;
            // Error

                /// Alert


All browsers start to freeze; more or less.

Any suggestions, what´s happening?



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