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Create Simple Multiplayer

Barak Inbal

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Hey I want to create a simple Tic Toe Multiplayer Mobile game using phaser 2.

The game need to support the following modes:

  1. Multiplayer between 2 anonymous players
  2. Multiplayer between 2 google account players
  3. Multiplayer between 2 facebook account players

I have the following questions:

  1. How can I implement this? using websockets or pooling?
  2. Do I have to use socket.io inroder to implement websocket communication between 2 mobile players?
  3. Which other libraries do I can use for creating moblie multiplayers between 2 players?


Thanks in advance

Barak Inbal

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There's a good talk on introduction to use websockets with node and phaser here. And the code from the talk is here: https://github.com/fullstackio/ng-game/tree/master/client/src/scripts

It doesn't talk about social authentication though. I know that Django +  python-socialauth + django-channels supports websockets and social authentication but not sure how comfortable you are with django.


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