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Scene rebooting issue - Sprites don't disappear


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Hi all,

I'm trying to restart a scene but as you can see in this video, rebooting a scene doesn't get rid of the sprites of the scene:


I was wondering if I'm making a mistake on how I'm restarting the scene, or if this is a bug and I should open a Github issue.

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Hi @fariazz and @bobonthenet,

I have tried this code in phaser 3.3.0 and it works:

var gameScene = new Phaser.Scene('Game');

gameScene.preload = function(){

    var sprite1=this.add.sprite(Math.random()*400,Math.random()*400,'image1');

        game.scene.stop('Game'); // Without this line, the sprites are not deleted

var scenes=[];

var config={
    type: Phaser.AUTO,
    width: 400,
    height: 400,
    scene: scenes

var game=new Phaser.Game(config);


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This doesn't seem to work completely. The camera has to be reset, that isn't a big deal but it looks like there are some stray objects causing problems with collisions.

this.matter.world.on('collisionstart', function(event, bodyA, bodyB) {
  if(bodyA.gameObject.collision) {
  if(bodyB.gameObject.collision) {
}, this);

The first time the scene is loaded the above code works fine. The second time around though I have a bullet colliding with an object that has no gameObject and thus no collision method. I can't seem to determine anything useful about the object being picked up by this method but it doesn't exist the first time. I'm guessing that there is something else that I need to manually reset similar to the camera. To reset the camera I'm just doing this.cameras.main.scrollX = 0;. Is there a way to completely reset everything? I'd like the scene to start completely fresh and anything that I want to be retained I will explicitly pass back into the scene with the start method.

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Can I do what I am trying to do? My game is going to have multiple levels. The main scene gets the level key passed in via the start method.

this.scene.start('MainScene', {level: this.nextLevel});

Then within my scene preload method I load the appropriate level json file.

this.load.tilemapTiledJSON('map', `${this.level}.json`);

The create method should be building the level based on the json file but it is not. Instead, the previous level is there. I think I'm majorly misunderstanding how scenes are supposed to work. Do I need a new scene for each level? I feel like I shouldn't. I used the same strategy with states in Phaser 2. Can this not be done with Phaser 3 or am I going about this in entirely the wrong way?

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2 hours ago, bobonthenet said:

Can I do what I am trying to do? My game is going to have multiple levels. The main scene gets the level key passed in via the start method.

this.scene.start('MainScene', {level: this.nextLevel});

Then within my scene preload method I load the appropriate level json file.

this.load.tilemapTiledJSON('map', `${this.level}.json`);

The create method should be building the level based on the json file but it is not. Instead, the previous level is there. I think I'm majorly misunderstanding how scenes are supposed to work. Do I need a new scene for each level? I feel like I shouldn't. I used the same strategy with states in Phaser 2. Can this not be done with Phaser 3 or am I going about this in entirely the wrong way?

I'm with you. The main thing I want to know is if we are doing it right but there is a bug in how scenes are being rebooted, or if we are doing it wrong and missing something important.

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Don't use game.scene (the Scene Manager). Use this.scene (the Scene's Scene Plugin):

// OR (Phaser v3.4.0):

Or if you must use game.scene, you need start and stop:



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10 minutes ago, samme said:

Don't use game.scene (the Scene Manager). Use this.scene (the Scene's Scene Plugin):

// OR (Phaser v3.4.0):

Or if you must use game.scene, you need start and stop:



I am using this.scene.start('scenename');

In an earlier iteration of trying to get this to work I had preceded that with this.scene.stop('scenename'); and that didn't make a difference.

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6 hours ago, samme said:

Don't use game.scene (the Scene Manager). Use this.scene (the Scene's Scene Plugin):

// OR (Phaser v3.4.0):

Or if you must use game.scene, you need start and stop:



Using this.scene.restart() unfortunately still doesn't solve the issue.

Sprites are still not cleaned from the scene. Just tested building from the latest master branch commit:


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This issue is driving me crazy. OK, I clearly see @samme 's example working. I'm doing the same thing but it's not working for me. Maybe because the codepen example isn't newing up a scene object that gets re-used? I don't have time to test that this morning. What I'm seeing is also not just the sprites not getting cleaned but also many other objects. I'll try and make a video demonstrating my example later today or please take a look at the github example I shared. 

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I can confirm this is fixed on my end when using Phaser 3.4 for the `restart` method, however not when using the `rebootScene` method. The following code works fine on my end (sprites get cleared after scene restarting):

// called once after the preload ends
gameScene.create = function() {

  // create sprites at random
  let sprite1 = this.add.sprite(Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 400, 'treasure');
  let sprite2 = this.add.sprite(Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 400, 'treasure');
  let sprite3 = this.add.sprite(Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 400, 'treasure');
  let sprite4 = this.add.sprite(Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 400, 'treasure');

  this.time.delayedCall(3000, function() {
  }, [], this);



If instead of using `this.scene.restart()` I type `this.scene.manager.bootScene(this);`, the sprites don't get cleared after scene rebooting - they just accumulate on the screen. Not sure if that's the intended behavior of bootScene but thought it'd be good to mention it.

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