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Implementing knockback into my game?


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So this is gonna be a really long snippet, because I can't really shorten it well enough to show the problem. Working example - https://testarea.krizucentrs.lv.

SideScroller.Game.prototype = {

    preload: function () {

        this.game.time.advancedTiming = true;


    create: function () {

        // CREATE ASSETS
        this.map = this.game.add.tilemap( 'level1' );
        this.map.addTilesetImage( 'platformer_tiles', 'gameTiles' );
        this.blockLayer = this.map.createLayer( 'blockLayer' );

        this.player = this.game.add.sprite( 100, 10, 'player' );
        this.dummy = this.game.add.sprite( 700, 10, 'player' );
        this.sword = this.game.make.sprite( 40, 40, 'sword' );
        this.player.addChild( this.sword );

        this.damageActive = false;
        this.damaging = false;
        this.sword.alpha = 0;

        this.dummy.setHealth( 100 );

        this.cursors = this.game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
        this.spaceKey = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey( Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR );

        // PHYSICS
        this.game.physics.arcade.enable( this.blockLayer );
        this.game.physics.arcade.enable( this.player );
        this.game.physics.arcade.enable( this.dummy );

        this.map.setCollisionBetween( 1, 10000, true, this.blockLayer );
        this.game.world.setBounds( 0, 0, 3000, 1000 );

        this.player.body.gravity.y = 1500;
        this.dummy.body.gravity.y = 1500;
        // this.dummy.body.immovable = true;
        // this.dummy.moves = false;

        // MISC
        this.game.camera.follow( this.player );


    update: function () {
        // COLLISIONS
        this.game.physics.arcade.collide( this.player, this.blockLayer );
        this.game.physics.arcade.collide( this.dummy, this.blockLayer );
        this.game.physics.arcade.collide( this.dummy, this.player );

        this.player.body.velocity.x = 0; 

        if ( this.cursors.up.justDown ) {
            if ( this.player.body.onFloor() ) {
                this.player.body.velocity.y = -500;

        if ( this.cursors.left.isDown ) {
            this.player.body.velocity.x = -200;
        } else if ( this.cursors.right.isDown ) {
            this.player.body.velocity.x = 200;

        if ( this.cursors.left.justDown ) {
            this.sword.position.setTo( 0, 40 );
            if ( this.sword.scale.x > 0 ) {
                this.sword.scale.x *= -1;
        } else if ( this.cursors.right.justDown ) {
            this.sword.position.setTo( 40, 40 );
            if ( this.sword.scale.x < 0 ) {
                this.sword.scale.x *= -1;

        if ( this.spaceKey.justDown ) {
            this.sword.alpha = 1;
            if ( this.sword.overlap( this.dummy ) && this.dummy.alive ) {
                // this.damaging = true;
                // this.dummy.body.velocity.x = 0;
                this.dummy.damage( 10 );
                // this.dummy.body.drag.x = 70;
                // this.dummy.body.velocity.x = 200;
                // this.dummy.body.velocity.y = -200;
                console.log( 'damage!' );
                this.game.time.events.add( Phaser.Timer.SECOND / 10, function () {
                    this.sword.alpha = 0;
                }, this );
                // this.game.time.events.add( Phaser.Timer.SECOND / 2, function () {
                //     this.damaging = false;
                //     this.dummy.body.drag.x = 0;
                // }, this );
            } else {
                this.game.time.events.add( Phaser.Timer.SECOND / 10, function () {
                    this.sword.alpha = 0;
                }, this );

        // DEBUG
        if ( this.damaging ) {
            console.log( true );
        } else {
            console.log( false );

        // ENEMY AI
        if ( !this.damaging ) {
            if ( this.player.position.x < this.dummy.position.x ) {
                this.game.time.events.add( Phaser.Timer.QUARTER, function () {
                    this.dummy.body.velocity.x = -50;
                }, this );
            } else if ( this.player.position.x > this.dummy.position.x ) {
                this.game.time.events.add( Phaser.Timer.QUARTER, function () {
                    this.dummy.body.velocity.x = 50;
                }, this );

            if ( ( this.dummy.body.blocked.left || this.dummy.body.blocked.right ) && this.dummy.body.blocked.down ) {
                this.dummy.body.velocity.y = -500;

I want to implement knockback on every overlap of this.sword and this.dummy. The large amount of commented lines is how I managed to do it in a hacky way, but it started lagging and glitching and didn't provide x knockback, only y. The x velocity physics are so confusing and frustrating! Have you guys played Terraria? I'd like this sword mechanic to be similar to the shortsword - it appears, enemy gets knocked back and continues walking my way. However, I'm having way too much trouble making it work like that. My main problem is that dummy keeps the x velocity it was assigned by the ENEMY AI lines. I don't know how to "pause" it long enough for the knockback to work. Even then, theoretically, it should've worked when I uncommented the lines, but then it gets all buggy - the x doesn't work, the player starts randomly getting stuck with 1-direction velocity with no control over it etc. I think you can uncomment those lines in inspect element, just search for Game.js. I hope the code is understandable enough, I don't really know how to shorten it for such a problem.

I'm eternally grateful, if you've gotten this far, understand my code and are willing to help.

Also, I've no idea how to define a new function, this prototype object thing is weird.

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It's possible you need extra checks in the timer event calls, because circumstances changed after they were scheduled.

  dummyWalkLeft: function () {
    if (this.damaging || (!this.dummy.body.blocked.down)) {

    this.dummy.body.velocity.x = -50;

  dummyWalkRight: function () {
    if (this.damaging || (!this.dummy.body.blocked.down)) {

    this.dummy.body.velocity.x = 50;

  update: function () {
    // […]
    // ENEMY AI
    if ( !this.damaging ) {
      if ( this.player.position.x < this.dummy.position.x ) {
        this.game.time.events.add( Phaser.Timer.QUARTER, this.dummyWalkLeft, this );
      } else if ( this.player.position.x > this.dummy.position.x ) {
        this.game.time.events.add( Phaser.Timer.QUARTER, this.dummyWalkRight, this );
      if ( ( this.dummy.body.blocked.left || this.dummy.body.blocked.right ) && this.dummy.body.blocked.down ) {
        this.dummy.body.velocity.y = -500;
    // […]


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