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Scaling for Mobile Devices


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I've got a question about scaling on devices. I had a search before hand but I couldn't find anything that satisfied me so I'm making a new thread.


I'm trying to set up my game so that it will fill the screen on device and keep the aspect ratio I give it.


That means that I always create my Phaser.Game object with the same values no matter what device I put it on. For example: 


"var game = new Phaser.Game(1500, 800, Phaser.CANVAS, 'gameContainer');"


The problem lies when I try to use the game.scale object. The values I give it don't seem to stop it from stretching or squashing my screen.


Here is my Boot.js file. Hopefully you guys can help shed some light on it! :D



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If you pull from GIT you will get a folder with all the Phaser files / examples / assets. If you open '/resources/Project Templates/' you will find a folder called 'Full Screen Mobile' this should help you along the way (take a look in boot.js).

That being said, I am currently using the example in '/Basic' which works fine for me in most cases, however I seem to have some issues with the Galaxy Tab (although it works fine on the Galaxy S4)

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If you pull from GIT you will get a folder with all the Phaser files / examples / assets. If you open '/resources/Project Templates/' you will find a folder called 'Full Screen Mobile' this should help you along the way (take a look in boot.js).

That being said, I am currently using the example in '/Basic' which works fine for me in most cases, however I seem to have some issues with the Galaxy Tab (although it works fine on the Galaxy S4)


Yeah I've found full screen mobile but It doesn't seem to work for me. I put the CSS into my project and copied the Boot.js over but it still doesn't scale right. I could do with some info on how game.scale actually works.

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