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How do I restart scene?


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I have made a button to restart the scene but some how it looks like it double up the scene instead of just restart. 

I use thiis

  buttonGameRestart.addEventListener('click', (e) => {

And first time I get 'restart' in the console once, next time two times, the 4, 8, 16. 32 etc..

Any idea how I can just reset the scene? 

First I had a game over scene and a restart button, but I get an console error after a while when the scene start over "Cannot read property 'update' of null" when I used this

const gameScene = this.scene.get('GameScene');


maybe someone else had a smilar problem? 



best regards

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I have it in the create function, below is some part of the code: 

class extends PhaserScene constructorsuperkey'GameScene'
  preload }

   create () {

  buttonGameRestart.addEventListener('click', (e) => {



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Your code looks very similar to to what I would for jQuery event handling on a web page.  But as for Phaser event handling, perhaps the following will help...

    buttonGameRestart.on('pointerdown', (pointer, targets) => {
      this.input.addUpCallback(() => {
      }, true)


This works for me in restarting my scene, within my create() method

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Hi blackhawx,


Thank you very much for your respond, 

I tried to use your code but I still get an error message "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_pendingInsertion' of undefined"  in UpdateList.js:275, 

I aslo had a console message within the callback and it still double up each time. 

With version do you use? Are you using webpack? 

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  • 7 months later...

Can I restart a scene and pass in parameters to its init() function at the same time?  When I do this (changing which files are loaded by setting the init parameters), the scene seems to go blank and not show anything the second time around.

[EDIT]: It turns out you can pass parameters to this.scene.restart() to the init function.  Just have to be sure to mind your closure location for "this" if you do weird stuff it with by extending loader operations beyond the preload method and passing it to helper functions.

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