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Drop mesh picked from imported .babylon file


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Hello All,

Thanks for your help you guys are making through this forum, this is my first question to this forum.

I am new to game programming and BabylonJS.

I want to create a program that can load 3d model, allows to edit that model by moving some of meshes to another location which will remain that position. Below are the things i have achieved till now. 

1. I have created program that can load 3d model in ".babylon" format.

2. I am able to select meshes and move them around.

But, i am not able drop mesh which i have selected, it is keep attached to mouse pointer. How can i achieve same. Please help.

Attached is the sample file generated from playground and here is the link to playground http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/ 


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Hi @ramkrishna. Welcome on board.
Here is your playground: http://playground.babylonjs.com/#060K58
And here is a quick fix: http://playground.babylonjs.com/#060K58#1
The problem was line 43 and 51 where your variable camera is undefined. Use scene.activeCamera instead.

ps: Take a look at 
may it help you.

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Hello @MarianG,


Thanks for reply. Provided solution exactly full fill my requirements. But i have few questions regarding it as below.


1. Is it mandatory to define separate ground even in loaded models? how we can use existing ground of loaded scene?
2. How i can make sure my camera will always render my scene as it is designed. I mean in my case i should always looking at entrance of house and my scene should be look like i am actually look like i am standing in front of room.

Actually i am trying build model which will load .babylon models and render it as it is designed. Also, if he want to edit he can do so.

Thanks in advance.

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Hey, sory for late.
1. The ground is used only for moveing. See getGroundPosition functions from here http://playground.babylonjs.com/#UZ23UH#0
Because of this ground the objects move only on x and z axis. Now if you take a look at your playground, it doesn't use ground, (you build it but never use), so the objects can move in all the axis, but a little bit random. And
the short answer is yes. You can remove it. http://playground.babylonjs.com/#060K58#2 The scene will still work.
Or you can use ground from your scene. like here http://playground.babylonjs.com/#060K58#3.
2. More about how to set camera in scene, how to limit its moves and more, you'll find here: http://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/cameras.

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Hello @MarianG,

Sorry for delayed reply.

I am able to move meshes around scene. Now, when i export this code for local testing i get "index.html" and when i try to run it i get below error at scene.render.

babylon.js:1 Uncaught Error: No camera defined
    at E.render (babylon.js:1)
    at Edit.html:139
    at M._renderLoop (babylon.js:1)

Any suggestions on it?


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