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NULL ENGINE behaviour using setPivotPoint and CSG


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If you are performing logic on the server side and passing only data such as position to the client you might run into errors because the way the pivot works, changing the pivot may not update the position. I would recommend using a parent object instead of the pivot, see first paragraph here https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/pivots and this PG: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#GH4N1R#1

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38 minutes ago, trevordev said:

If you are performing logic on the server side and passing only data such as position to the client you might run into errors because the way the pivot works, changing the pivot may not update the position. I would recommend using a parent object instead of the pivot, see first paragraph here https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/pivots and this PG: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#GH4N1R#1

That's exactly what's happening now. I like what you suggested, but. I think NullEngine should mach client side :huh:.

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My guess is they are the same in data. Like if you print out the positions, they should be the same if the logic was done in the exact same order in the client vs the server's null engine. If you have a repro where numbers printed out by null vs non-null engine are different please do share.

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1 hour ago, trevordev said:

My guess is they are the same in data. Like if you print out the positions, they should be the same if the logic was done in the exact same order in the client vs the server's null engine. If you have a repro where numbers printed out by null vs non-null engine are different please do share.

All numbers a same.

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Same as in PlayGround

var parent = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("Parent", {height: 3.2, width: 2.2, depth: 1.2,sideOrientation: BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE}, scene);
var mat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("material", scene);
mat.alpha = 0.3;
parent.material = mat;
var part = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("Part", {height: 3, width: 2, depth: 1,sideOrientation: BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE}, scene);
part.setPivotPoint(new BABYLON.Vector3(0,1,0));
part.position.x = 1;
// part.rotation.x = -1;
part.parent = parent;
var tool = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("Tool", {height: 1, width: 2, depth: 2,sideOrientation: BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE}, scene);
tool.material = mat;
tool.setPivotPoint(new BABYLON.Vector3(5,-1,0));
tool.position.x = 1;
tool.rotation.x = -1;
// tool.parent = parent;
var partCSG = BABYLON.CSG.FromMesh(part);
var toolCSG = BABYLON.CSG.FromMesh(tool);
var newPartCSG = partCSG.subtract(toolCSG);
var newPart = newPartCSG.toMesh("csg", part.material, scene);
// tool.dispose();
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OK can you repro on a page with the NullEngine (using Babylon.max.js) I will try to debug it.

Also (I am traveling and I don't have too much free time this week), perhaps you could try to do a per mesh comparison between engine and NullEngine regarding properties like world matrix (is this matrix the same on all meshes between both engine)


Can you also try to force a mesh.computeWorldMatrix(true) on all meshes before doing csg?

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40 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:

OK can you repro on a page with the NullEngine (using Babylon.max.js) I will try to debug it.

Also (I am traveling and I don't have too much free time this week), perhaps you could try to do a per mesh comparison between engine and NullEngine regarding properties like world matrix (is this matrix the same on all meshes between both engine)


Can you also try to force a mesh.computeWorldMatrix(true) on all meshes before doing csg?



38 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:

Also how do you render on client side when using NullEngine? Are you sure your local renderer interpret the pivot like Babylon.js?

I'm creating everything on server side and passing data through assetsManager.addMeshTask. Does that make sense?


Thank you for your time. :)

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Shared files:

index.html // create and download (serialised scene)

serializedScene.json // downloaded json file (serialised scene)

Loader.html // load serialised scene

https://github.com/Gal-Arte/BabylonTest/tree/master/NULL ENGINE using setPivotPoint and CSG

Playground to compare https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#8PIKRZ#1

Lets hope for the best :)

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Can I ask you something else? Can you serialized the scene from a regular PG and reload it?

I'm pretty sure this comes from the serializer which does not take the pivot correctly in account

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I updated npm babylonjs "Babylon.js null engine (v3.3.0)" , but for some reason I have same results as before. On PG is working perfect. ?


I tried what @trevordev suggested "I would recommend using a parent object instead of the pivot" 

Results: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#8PIKRZ#3

BABYLON.CSG ignoring not just pivot but parenting as well???

My bad. I forgot sphere.computeWorldMatrix(true);



But npm babylonjs still issue.

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