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What is tweening?


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Personally I am very new to game development and have recently picked up phaser. I have seen a lot of phaser games use tweening. I do not understand what it means. The examples on the website do not clear it up either. Can anyone explain to me what tweening is and how it related to phaser?

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Tween is an animation term.

You define a pair of keyframes: beginning and end, and the computer will compute the in-beTWEEN frames.



In Phaser, you create Tween objects that will handle changing values from what they currently are, to what you want them to be.

Examples are a sprites position, rotation, scale, alpha.

Usually the transition of values is linear, but Phaser has some other built in options for different effects.

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i do this but it does not work..? any Ideas?

  if (side === 0) {    enemy.reset(wh/2,0);    game.add.tween(enemy).to( {y: wh}, 3000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None).start();  } else if (side === 1) {    enemy.reset(wh,wh/2);    game.add.tween(enemy).to( {x: 0}, 3000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None).start();  } else if (side === 2) {    enemy.reset(wh/2,wh);    game.add.tween(enemy).to({y: 0 }, 3000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None).start();  } else if (side === 3) {    enemy.reset(0,wh/2);    game.add.tween(enemy).to( {x: wh}, 3000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None).start();  }

side is a randomly generated number to indicate starting side while wh stores the game dimensions(300, 300)

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No, wh is a number, yet it still does not work. 

I use this in my create function and it works 

  testEnemy = game.add.sprite(0,0,'e1');  game.add.tween(testEnemy).to({x: 300,y: 300}, 2000).start();

But  does not work when I use it like this:

if(rand_int(2) === 0) {  enemy = enemies1.getFirstExists(false);} else {  enemy = enemies2.getFirstExists(false);}enemy.reset(wh/2,0);enemy.x = wh/2;game.add.tween(enemy).to({x: 300,y: 300}, 2000, null, true);
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