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Pick on CreateGround and CreateGroundFromHeightMap


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Since the change on createGround, I have big bug.
When I pick the ground, my browser crashes or does nothing. For example on the demo worldMonger, if I use: CreateGroundFromHeightMap. this work. I can raise the vertex
But if I use CreateGround, this not work,  I not can raise the vertex or/and the crash browser.


The 2 demo are the same except that one uses CreateGround and the other CreateGroundFromHeightMap
demo with CreateGroundFromHeightMap: (try to raise the vertex, it works.)
demo with createGround: (try to raise the vertex, it not works.)




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This is in your code:

ground = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateGround("ground", parseInt(MydimX), parseInt(MydimY), parseInt(Mysubdivision), scene, true);			ground.setVerticesData(BABYLON.VertexBuffer.PositionKind, $.parseJSON(savedPosition), true);			ground.setVerticesData(BABYLON.VertexBuffer.NormalKind, $.parseJSON(savedNormal), true);				ground.material = new WORLDMONGER.GroundMaterial("Material_ground", scene, sun);			ground.position.y = -3.0;			ground.isPickable = false;
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Since the change on createGround, I have big bug.


Do you have an easy way to test with previous versions of babylon.js (switch to a previous commit thanks to git for example)? Thus, that could be useful to know from which version it doesn't work anymore when it's a bug or if it doesn't work with previous versions either, you would know the issue may be in your code.


Please try to check you code before reporting a bug. I know this is not easy but it takes me lost a lot of time digging into your code (That's why I always ask for small repro case :))


I agree with Deltakosh that it's not easy but sincerely I learnt a lot by first thinking it was always my fault. To check my code, instead of reading it, I compare the previous version of my file with the current version thanks to TortoiseGit for example and so I quickly see the lines that could be the cause of my bug. If I don't find the bug, I try to isolate the bug with a small repro case indeed. Finally I report a bug if I'm pretty sure it's not from my side.


I'm saying this only to share my little experience with debugging because I know that debugging helped me a lot to become a better developer.

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To check my code, instead of reading it, I compare the previous version of my file with the current version thanks to TortoiseGit for example and so I quickly see the lines that could be the cause of my bug. If I don't find the bug, I try to isolate the bug with a small repro case indeed. Finally I report a bug if I'm pretty sure it's not from my side.


I'm doing exactly the same.

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I'm saying this only to share my little experience with debugging because I know that debugging helped me a lot to become a better developer.


In French:


Je dis juste ça pour partager ma petite expérience en déboggage de code parce que je sais que c'est quelque chose qui m'a beaucoup aidé à devenir un meilleur développeur.


I think the idea is to share experience so we can learn from each other. It was a tip dad72, don't be offended. This tip was for you and for anyone else.

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Oui on est d'accord. mais je fait ça régulièrement, ça fait 8 ans que je développe, du débogage j'en ai fait beaucoup. j'ai souvent été sollicité pour tester car on me disait très bon testeur. mais ça arrive que je me trompe en imaginant un bug.

je passe des heurs des fois a chercher, a faire des teste extérieur et avec la fatigue je trouve pas et j'imagine un bug. j'ai signaler beaucoup de bug qui en ont été, parce que en général je suis certain que c’est un bug. mais sûr ce post là j'ai été très surpris moi même de pas avoir vue ça. mais tu a raisons gwenael.

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