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Physic and parent


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I would like that when my character encounters a wall, it can not cross. I therefore attach a box on my character (with box.parent = character).


But the cube falls by gravity, even with a plan impostor. If I remove the 'parent', the box does not cross over.


I would like to attach a box to my character which is controlled by the keyboard for move and to manage the collision with the walls.


Why it does not work with \"parent\"?


Thank you



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It would be although this is add, this well simplify things, because I can't not to do otherwise. I'm tearing my hair that are no longer very many on the heads.  :P


You want that I face a demo scene? This is what you tell me?


Thank you DK

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Thus move the box rather than the character? This solution is not correct, because I control a character and not an inspector. why the inverse solution couldn't it be made, it would be more consistent.

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No. I use Cannon.js I would like to attach a box \"importer\" on the character. and when I move the character, the box should detect collision with the wall, but parent and physics is not supported in Babylon.
see demo : collision


Key ZQSD move character

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So parent will be not supported. I can't find this specific use. must attach the impostors for the modeled in motion, I do not see there is specific.



Je ne pense pas que cela soit un usage spécifique que de vouloir d'attacher un importeur sur un modeles en mouvement, comme le cas des personnages, animaux... Unity fait comme ça par exemple, on attache un rigidbody sur le maillage (après la méthode d'attache est peut être faites autrement), bref, c'est utiliser par des millions de personne, donc ce n'est pas si spécifique comme utilisation.

Quelle est l'autre solution aussi simple pour que l'imposteur suive le personnage et détecte les collisions (j'avais idée d'attacher au os l’imposteur sinon, cela pourrais marcher, vous pensez ?) ? La vous me dites que le faite de vouloir faire de la physique sur un personnage en mouvement est spécifique ? Personne ne veux créer de jeux genre RPG ?


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totally agree. that is why I request that this be support in Babylon.


Deltakosh, you speak in another topic that you agreed to make more robust physics. I think support that it would partly more robust.

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I do not have the capacity to help, I'm not an expert in engine programming. If I could help I would with pleasure, but I feel not able on points also complicate.


I'm babylon users first and foremost and not an engine developer who is not yet of my level.


J'aimerais aider, croyez moi, mais j'en ai pas les capacité  :(

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Cannon.js is dead, They have no forum. I have no answer. Is this your way of telling me kindly go elsewhere to help. It is pleasant.


I'm sorry of you have pissed off with my questions. This issue is resolved. and the physic also. 


It seems to me having trying to help with the export 3ds max by actively testing.
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